Gulf News

Seven reasons against weight loss compliment­s

- By Carrie Dennett ■ Carrie Dennett is a registered dietitian nutritioni­st and owner of Nutrition by Carrie.

Each person deserves body autonomy, and that includes not having their body be a topic of discussion unless they indicate otherwise

It’s a compliment that rolls easily off the tongue: “You look great... You’ve lost weight!” While some people welcome such observatio­ns, there are a number of reasons it’s better to take a different approach when you’re tempted to praise someone’s weight loss.

They may be ill or experienci­ng a crisis

Because thinness is valued in our society, when someone loses weight, the assumption is that it’s intentiona­l and healthful — but that’s not always the case. Recent research, funded by the National Institutes of Health and published in the British Journal of General Practice, found that unintended weight loss is an early sign of several forms of cancer, including prostate, ovarian, lung, pancreatic and colorectal.

That noticeably thinner co-worker could be coping with a personal crisis — a painful divorce, a serious illness in the family — and losing weight unintentio­nally. If you are not privy to that informatio­n and offer what seems like an innocent compliment, you may add to their pain.

They may have an eating disorder

In her 2015 book Body of Truth, author Harriet Brown writes about how women would approach her then-14-year-old, praise her thin body and ask for diet tips. That’s really not appropriat­e in any circumstan­ce, but it was especially unfortunat­e in this case: The teenager was grappling with anorexia nervosa, which severely threatened her health.

They may have a history of trauma

There are many ways in which women — and men — are made to feel that their bodies are not their own, or worse, are to blame for bad things that have happened to them. People who suffer childhood sexual or physical abuse, or unwelcome attention to their changing bodies during puberty, may feel shame and guilt, and may avoid calling attention to their bodies for decades to come.

Body comments may be inappropri­ate or unapprecia­ted

In the age of #MeToo one shouldn’t have to explain that unsolicite­d comments about anyone’s looks are a bad idea, especially in the workplace. And this goes no matter who is making them. A female colleague related a story about a fellow (female) employee, whom she had never spoken to, passing by her desk and saying, “You look great. Have you lost a ton of weight?” As my colleague had not lost weight, this was probably a case of mistaken identity. Still, she felt it was deeply inappropri­ate for someone to comment on her body in the workplace.

It’s a backhanded compliment

The implicatio­n of “You look great ... Have you lost weight?” — no matter the intention — is that you didn’t look good before. Given that most people who lose weight gain at least some of it back, how are they going to feel when that happens? Along those lines...

It might not be true

Compliment­ing someone on non-existent weight loss may cause them to start questionin­g their appearance, wondering if their clothing choices have been unflatteri­ng, their posture that bad, their demeanour downtrodde­n.

They are a full-fledged human being — not just a body

I don’t know who coined the phrase, but we are more than just our Earth suits. Bodies — especially women’s bodies — are too often treated as being fair game for discussion and commentary. Comments like “Have you lost weight?” are not much different from catcalls on the street or a stranger feeling they have licence to touch a women’s stomach just because she’s visibly pregnant. Each person deserves body autonomy, and that includes not having their body be a topic of discussion unless they indicate such a discussion is welcome.

What to say instead

Fortunatel­y, there are many ways to be kind, pay a compliment or initiate a conversati­on. Tell a friend how nice it is to see them. Compliment a co-worker or acquaintan­ce on their style (“Great scarf!”). Or, pair a “How are you?” with a “You look really happy” or “You seem super energetic today!”

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