Gulf News



Aries March 20 April 19

In mid-May your ruler Mars moved into the inquisitiv­e and rather restless Aquarius and since then you’ve been exactly that. This is good, because you’re in the perfect mood to respond to and explore the exciting but often unsettling events coming your way. They’re perfectly timed for this cycle of growth and discovery.

Taurus April 20 May 20

It’s not that you were being secretive, but rather there was never a right moment to raise certain tricky matters. Now that your ruler Venus has moved to accent communicat­ion however the mood has shifted and better yet circumstan­ces are making it easier both to bring these up and discuss them properly.

Gemini May 21 June 20

Since mid-May your ruler Mercury has been in the most sensitive and reflective portion of your chart. You’ve faced up to several tricky issues and as a result learnt a lot. But oddly you felt ill-prepared to discuss these. Now that Mercury’s in Gemini you’ll be ready to talk things over.

Cancer June 21 July 21

The time has come to plant a few seeds in the sense of suggesting to certain individual­s that they’d not only benefit from but would enjoy exploring recent developmen­ts. While you’ve already noted their promise others haven’t. Once you’ve introduced them to these they’ll not only be intrigued they’ll thank you big time.

Leo July 22 August 22

Only days ago you were clear in your mind about what variety of changes excite you versus those that would be nothing but a nuisance. But recent developmen­ts have forced you to re think those changes and fast. What’s more things are moving swiftly so much you’d benefit from these more than you know.

Virgo August 23 September 22

As a practical Virgo you pride yourself on being both sensible and logical even in the midst of dramas. Still the influence of the current Full Moon could be especially unsettling particular­ly because it accents the structure of your life. If it triggers changes at least explore them. You won’t regret it.

Libra September 23 October 22

With both the Sun and now the planet of ideas and discussion, Mercury, in the most inquisitiv­e angle of your chart life’s about broadening your horizons. Tempting as it is to stick with what you know you’d only find yourself feeling confined if not bored. The more you explore the better.

Scorpio October 23 November 21

Ordinarily you’d view sudden changes as cause for concern. Between the current upbeat planetary setup and the intriguing ideas being ushered in by the New Moon even what would be unsettling in the short term is paying off handsomely and soon. Still, you’ll need to get involved in these right away.

Sagittariu­s November 22 December 20

Being secretive makes no sense to you. It’s far easier to express what’s on your mind even if in doing so you’d cause a certain amount of upset than wonder what others are thinking. This is one of those bizarre times when such concerns will lead to discussion­s that are informativ­e if not life-changing.

Capricorn December 21 January 19

From your perspectiv­e as a cautious Capricorn and an earth sign you’re inclined to distrust offers that seem too good to be true. It’s for this reason you’re questionin­g what’s come your way recently in such depth. While that’s logical with things moving so swiftly it’s a matter of now or never.

Aquarius January 20 February 17

There’s no denying that a lively discussion about the pros and cons of existing arrangemen­ts and new ideas can be seriously stimulatin­g. With so much still in flux however the focus is more on questions about what might change or even have to go. Explore these, always conscious how unsettled things are.

Pisces February 18 March 19

As an idealistic Piscean you long ago leant to ignore those who think being logical means casting a shadow on the excitement or joy of others. Yet somehow one particular individual has convinced you their concerns were logical and should be taken seriously. Hopefully by now you’ve realised how wrong they were.

 ??  ?? World-renowned astrologer Shelley von Strunckel writes a daily column exclusivel­y for tabloid!
World-renowned astrologer Shelley von Strunckel writes a daily column exclusivel­y for tabloid!
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