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Who: Sakshi Soni


Sumeet Vyas. Actress: Swara Bhaskar You know her from: Nil Battey Sannata and Anaarkali of Aarah Sakshi in her own words: “She’s a bit of a brat who is used to having her own way in life. She has this idea that her father’s credit card is going to solve all her problems and her friend’s problems too. She is lovable and she isn’t a bad person. She is blunt and always calls spade, a spade. Sakshi is also unpredicta­ble.”

Sakshi in a nutshell: “She’s the wild one of the gang.”

The biggest challenge in playing Sakshi: “I have never played a character that who’s urbane, English-speaking and attending private schools. I have worked on my clothes and Rhea [Kapoor, producer and stylist] has kicked it out of the park here. My roles in the past were very rooted and real.”

in her own words: “It’s a film that will make you believe in friendship and there’s a lot of warmth in this film… It’s the story of four women characters who are flawed and real.”

Her thoughts on playing a character that parties and cusses with abandon: “The whole point of the film was to show a section of society — four urban women in India living in a big city. They cuss, they go out with friends at night, they drink at parties… When we allow our heroes in our films to have these liberties, why are we not OK with women doing so? When men can be shown as angsty and commitment-phobic on the big screen, why do we put the burden of purity and niceness to women character?”

A film that showed women in realistic light: “Bollywood began to change with Tanu Weds Manu and that was the first film that I though represente­d a real woman.”

The best part about “It was liberating to be a part of a Hindi film where four women were not chasing the

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