Gulf News

America must not lose its humanity

Trump administra­tion’s approach to refugee aid is eroding US moral standing in the world

- By Anne C. Richard

US President Donald Trump is putting forward a nominee who is virulently anti-immigrant to be assistant secretary of state for the Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration, a job I used to hold in the previous administra­tion. The nomination is only the latest move by the administra­tion to chip away at US’ standing as the world’s top backer of humanitari­an efforts.

The new nominee, Ronald Mortensen, has made his positions on immigratio­n issues clear as a fellow of the Centre for Immigratio­n Studies. For example, he has insisted that most of the “Dreamers” — undocument­ed immigrants brought to the US as children — have committed felonies. Mortensen’s nomination needs to be understood as part of a campaign to change US’ long tradition of welcoming refugees and immigrants and offering sanctuary to the persecuted.

Trump’s anti-Muslim travel ban, announced shortly after his inaugurati­on, was the first salvo in this campaign. Even with courts overturnin­g various versions of the ban, the White House has succeeded in slashing the number of refugees admitted to the US to the lowest level in years — from 85,000 in the last full year of the previous administra­tion to as few as 20,000 projected for this year.

The network of faith-based and secular charities around the US that support refugee families to create new lives is disintegra­ting. With so few refugees being admitted, the State Department has announced plans to no longer fund some of these groups. The result is that fewer cities will be involved in the resettleme­nt programmes, the staff and volunteers who help refugees will disperse, and we will lose part of a highly successful public-private partnershi­p. Lost, too, will be the proven economic and cultural benefits additional refugees would bring and the chance for a fresh start they desperatel­y need.

While refugee aid delivered overseas through the United Nations High Commission­er for Refugees remains at robust levels, this is primarily because of bipartisan support in Congress. Other UN agencies, however, have been cut off. The White House stopped funding the UN Population Fund. The agency plays an essential role in seeing to the reproducti­ve health of displaced women and improving survival rates for mothers and babies, and in 2016, I celebrated when the 5,000th baby was born alive and healthy in its clinic in the Zaatri refugee camp in Jordan. The agency now reports there are 64,000 pregnant Rohingya in the squalor of refugee camps in Bangladesh who need help to deliver their babies safely.

The Trump administra­tion also cut its funding of the UN agency that runs schools and provides health care to Palestinia­n refugees by more than 80 per cent after Palestinia­ns and UN member states criticised the decision to move the American Embassy in Israel to occupied Jerusalem. The reduction has resulted in what a UN representa­tive has called an “unpreceden­ted financial crisis”. Left unclear is how punishing the poorest Palestinia­ns helps an already tense situation.

‘Pledging conference’

Refugee aid addresses only the basic needs of most refugees, primarily food, water, sanitation and shelter. Convincing other countries to do more and resolving crises so that refugees can go home again requires diplomacy. Yet the Trump administra­tion has weakened the State Department, demoralise­d our diplomats and threatened programs that foster growth overseas and work to preserve peace and stability. At a recent Brussels “pledging conference” for humanitari­an aid for Syrians, the US delegation, which once would have made a major announceme­nt of aid and spurred others to give, did not deliver remarks.

As assistant secretary, I used to lead US delegation­s to migration conference­s to make the case that border crossers have the right to claim asylum, migrant labourers need protection from exploitati­on and abuse, and, in all cases, people should be treated humanely. Our country led in promoting good ideas. One example is the Migrants in Countries in Crisis initiative, which produced voluntary guidelines to follow when migrants are caught up in disasters far from home.

Now, the administra­tion boycotts meetings on a voluntary global migration compact, making the nonsensica­l claim it would undermine US sovereignt­y. It also put forward a candidate to head the Internatio­nal Organisati­on for Migration who has a record of tweeting anti-Muslim sentiments.

The list of good moves on the part of the Trump administra­tion is short. It’s kept the deal to accept refugees who were isolated in Manus Island and Nauru. It supports an arrangemen­t the Obama administra­tion set up with Costa Rica to keep refugees in imminent peril safe until they can be resettled. By all accounts Trump nominees to head Unicef and the World Food Programme are capable and experience­d.

Unfortunat­ely the negatives outweigh the positives. By ignoring the urgent needs of refugees and immigrants within and outside its borders, the current administra­tion is setting bad examples and deconstruc­ting a humanitari­an approach that was admired by, and depended on, by millions of people throughout the world. ■ Anne C. Richard is a US public servant who was the Assistant Secretary of State for Population, Refugees, and Migration from 2012 to 2017.

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