Gulf News

Making our mark in the void of space

The UAE’s space programme embodies all that is progressiv­e about this nation’s vision


The UAE has never stood still. It is a nation on the move, one that has been on a march of progress these past 46 years. It is a nation that embraces change and reaches for the future with both hands. And nothing could exemplify this more than its ambitions — and achievemen­ts — in reaching beyond our earthly confines. In space, beyond the ties of gravity and the confines of our geography, the UAE is proudly staking a foothold, joining the internatio­nal community in exploring our next frontier.

Last week, officials at Yahsat — wholly owned by Abu Dhabi’s Mubadala Investment Company — said Al Yah 3 satellite has successful­ly completed in-orbit testing and is ready now to support the launch of commercial services for broadband and internet customers across some of the remotest regions of Africa and South America. Al Yah 3 was launched from French Guiana on an Ariane 5 rocket on January 26, and the testing phase is now complete.

But the satellite is more than simply a means to open the World Wide Web to terrestria­l customers or just another orbiting wonder in the many that now circle the near neighbourh­ood of our planet. In many ways, Al Yah 3 — and the entire UAE space programme — is an embodiment of the very essence of what it is to be part of this great nation. Decades ago, when the forefather­s of the founders of this nation would have lived in isolation in scattered oases and villages, they would have looked to the stars as a constant, a wonder, and let their dreams and imaginatio­n take flight. Now, our youth can look to those same stars, and make flight.

The dream of what lies beyond has always driven our march of progress. We are never satisfied with standing still, always wondering about what lies beyond the next horizon. And it’s only by always going forward, looking to the future, eager to understand what is there, that we succeed. Our young and best minds, our educated, scientific­ally qualified, technologi­cally adept, all work together to raise the green, red, white and black colours of the UAE flag in space.

His Highness Shaikh Mohammad Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Deputy Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, noted as much when he tweeted last week on Al Yah 3’s success.

“The success of the Yahsat satellite mission, with the participat­ion of young Emiratis, embodies our vision to build a better future for the UAE and humanity,” he posted. How very true indeed.

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