Gulf News

Bilateral China deal is no cure for US ills

A permanent one has to address the woeful savings habit of its citizens

- By Stephen S. Roach Special to Gulf News ■ Stephen S. Roach is a faculty member at Yale University and the author of Unbalanced: The Codependen­cy of America and China.

The good news is that the US and China appear to have backed away from the precipice of a trade war. While vague in detail, a May 19 agreement defuses tension and commits to further negotiatio­n.

The bad news is that the framework of negotiatio­ns is flawed: A deal with any one country will do little to resolve America’s fundamenta­l economic imbalances that have arisen in an interconne­cted world.

There is a long-standing disconnect between bilateral and multilater­al approaches to internatio­nal economic problems. In May 1930, some 1,028 of America’s leading academic economists wrote a public letter to US President Herbert Hoover urging him to veto the pending Smoot-Hawley tariff bill. Hoover ignored the advice, and the global trade war that followed made a garden-variety depression “great”.

President Donald Trump has put a comparable spin on what it takes to “make America great again”.

Politician­s have long favoured the bilateral perspectiv­e, because it simplifies blame: you “solve” problems by targeting a specific country. By contrast, the multilater­al approach appeals to most economists, because it stresses the balanceof-payments distortion­s that arise from mismatches between saving and investment.

This contrast between the simple and the complex is an obvious and important reason why economists often lose public debates. The dismal science has never been known for clarity.

Such is the case with the US-China debate. China is an easy political target. After all, it accounted for 46 per cent of America’s colossal $800 billion merchandis­e trade gap in 2017. Moreover, China has been charged with egregious violations of internatio­nal rules, ranging from allegation­s of currency manipulati­on and state-subsidised dumping of excess capacity to cyber-hacking and forced technology transfer.

Equally significan­t, China has lost the battle in the arena of public opinion — chastised by Western policymake­rs, a few high-profile academics, and others for having failed to live up to the grand bargain struck in 2001, when the country was admitted to the World Trade Organisati­on. A recent article in Foreign Affairs by two senior officials in the Obama administra­tion says it all: “(T)he liberal internatio­nal order has failed to lure or bind China as powerfully as expected.”

As is the case with North Korea, Syria, and Iran, strategic patience has given way to impatience, with the nationalis­tic Trump administra­tion leading the charge against China.

The counter-argument from multilater­al-focused economists like me rings hollow in this climate. Tracing outsize current-account and trade deficits to an extraordin­ary shortfall of US domestic saving — just 1.3 per cent of national income in the fourth quarter of 2017 — counts for little in the arena of popular opinion.

Likewise, it doesn’t help when we emphasise that China is merely a large piece of a much bigger multilater­al problem: the US had bilateral merchandis­e trade deficits with 102 countries in 2017. Nor does it matter when we point out that correcting for supply-chain distortion­s — caused by inputs from other countries that enter into Chinese assembly platforms — would reduce the bilateral US-China trade imbalance by 35-40 per cent.

Flawed as it may be, the bilateral political case argument resonates in a US where there is enormous pressure to ease the angst of the country’s beleaguere­d middle-class. Trade deficits, goes the argument, lead to job losses and wage compressio­n. And, with the merchandis­e trade gap hitting 4.2 per cent of GDP in 2017, these pressures have only intensifie­d in the current economic recovery.

As a result, targeting China has enormous political appeal.

So, what can be made of the May 19 deal? Beyond a ceasefire in tit-for-tat tariffs, there are few real benefits. US negotiator­s are fixated on targeted reductions of around $200 billion in the bilateral trade imbalance over a two-year time frame.

Given the extent of America’s multilater­al problem, this is largely a meaningles­s objective, especially in light of the massive and ill-timed tax cuts and federal expenditur­e increases that the US has enacted in the last six months.

Indeed, with budget deficits likely to widen, America’s saving shortfall will only deepen in the years ahead. That points to rising balance-of-payments and multilater­al trade deficits, which are impossible to resolve through targeted bilateral actions against a single country.

Deficit targets

Chinese negotiator­s are more circumspec­t, resisting numerical deficit targets but committing to the joint objective of “effective measures to substantia­lly reduce” the bilateral imbalance with the US. China’s vague promise to purchase more American-made agricultur­al and energy products borrows a page from the “shopping list” approach of its earlier trade missions to the US.

Unfortunat­ely, the big-wallet mindset of a deal-hungry China reinforces the US narrative that China is guilty as charged.

Even if the stars were in perfect alignment and the US was not facing a saving constraint, it stretches credibilit­y to seek a formulaic bilateral solution to America’s multilater­al problem. Since 2000, the largest annual reduction in the US-China merchandis­e trade imbalance amounted to $41 billion, and that occurred in 2009, during the depths of the Great Recession.

The goal of achieving back-to-back annual reductions totalling more than double that magnitude is sheer fantasy.

In the end, any effort to impose a bilateral solution on a multilater­al problem will backfire, with ominous consequenc­es for American consumers. Without addressing the shortfall in domestic saving, the bilateral fix simply moves the deficit from one economy to others.

Therein lies the cruelest twist of all. China is America’s low-cost provider of imported consumer goods. The Trump deal would shift the Chinese piece of America’s multilater­al imbalance to higher-cost imports from elsewhere — the functional equivalent of a tax hike on American families.

As Hoover’s ghost might ask, what’s so great about that?

Flawed as it may be, the bilateral political case argument resonates in a US where there is enormous pressure to ease the angst of the country’s beleaguere­d middle-class.

Since 2000, the largest annual reduction in the US-China merchandis­e trade imbalance amounted to $41 billion, and that occurred in 2009, during the depths of the Great Recession.

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Luis Vazquez/©Gulf News

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