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UK proposes Brexit backstop plan

Publicatio­n of proposal comes after days of rowing in May’s cabinet of top ministers


The British government set out its plans for a oneyear backstop plan for the Irish border yesterday, finding an agreement on only part of what has become Prime Minister Theresa May’s biggest Brexit stumbling block — customs.

But by setting a date on the plan for the standby arrangemen­t to ensure no return of a hard border between Northern Ireland and EU member Ireland, May looked to have put settling a row with her Brexit minister ahead of securing agreement with the EU, which has already rejected a time limit.

The publicatio­n of the proposal comes after days of rows in May’s cabinet of top ministers which have all but stalled talks, brought warnings from EU officials.

Unveiling its proposal for a “temporary customs arrangemen­t”, the government also said the backstop — which would be put in place only if there were a delay in implementi­ng any Brexit deal — would also see the whole United Kingdom rather than just Northern Ireland remaining aligned with EU rules.

“The UK is clear that the temporary customs arrangemen­t, should it be needed, should be time limited,” the document said.

“The UK expects the future arrangemen­t to be in place by the end of December 2021 at the latest. There are a range of options for how a time limit could be delivered, which the UK will propose and discuss with the EU.” The one-year backstop plan would come after an almost two year transition period following Britain’s departure from the EU in March next year.

This was not the government’s preferred option, the proposal said, but if it was triggered, Britain should have the right to negotiate, sign and ratify trade deals with other parts of world.

The UK is clear that the temporary customs arrangemen­t, should it be needed, should be time limited.”

Document by UK government

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