Gulf News

Trump gives woman jailed for life reprieve

Johnson’s case was brought to US leader’s attention by reality television star Kim Kardashian West


President Donald Trump commuted the sentence on Wednesday of a 63-year-old woman serving life in prison for a non-violent drug conviction after her case was brought to his attention by reality television star Kim Kardashian West.

Although short of a full pardon, the decision will free Alice Marie Johnson, who has been locked up in federal prison in Alabama since 1996 on charges related to cocaine distributi­on and money laundering. Kardashian West, who learnt of the case through a video that went viral on social media, visited Trump at the White House last week to lobby on Johnson’s behalf.

“While this administra­tion will always be very tough on crime, it believes that those who have paid their debt to society and worked hard to better themselves while in prison deserve a second chance,” the White House said in a statement announcing the commutatio­n.

Kardashian West celebrated the decision on Twitter. “BEST NEWS EVER !!!! ” she wrote.

In an emailed statement, she thanked Trump and his son-in-law, Jared Kushner, for showing mercy to Johnson. “Her commutatio­n and forthcomin­g release is inspiratio­nal and gives hope to so many others who are also deserving of a second chance,” Kardashian West said.

The president’s interventi­on was contrary to the policies his own Justice Department has enacted since he took office. Attorney General Jeff Sessions last year ordered federal prosecutor­s to pursue the toughest possible charges and sentences against criminal defendants, reversing President Barack Obama’s efforts to ease penalties in nonviolent drug cases.

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Alice Marie Johnson ■

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