Gulf News

Bassil restates criticism of refugee agency

UNHCR discouragi­ng Syrians from returning home — Lebanon minister


Lebanon’s caretaker foreign minister escalated his row with the UN refugee agency UNHCR yesterday, accusing it at a news conference of working to stop refugees from returning to Syria.

UNHCR has denied similar accusation­s, saying it supports the return of refugees when it is safe for them to go back to Syria and helps those who choose to return with their documentat­ion.

It had no immediate reaction to the latest accusation.

“Their policy is to forbid the return,” Foreign Minister Jibran Bassil said.

“The Lebanese policy is to encourage the return. Forbid, encourage. Stop, facilitate. That’s it,” Bassil said during the news conference in the town of Arsal, where he spoke alongside Syrian refugees.

Bassil said yesterday the burden of hosting Syrian refugees seven years into the conflict that drove them to flee had grown “unbearable”, blaming the crisis for the collapse of the economy and emigration of Lebanese citizens.

Last week, Bassil ordered a freeze on applicatio­ns by the UN High Commission­er for Refugees (UNHCR) for residency permits for its staff, saying it was intimidati­ng refugees into staying in Lebanon.

Bassil accuses UNHCR of discouragi­ng refugees from going home by asking them questions about potential difficulti­es they face upon return, including possible military conscripti­on, damage to housing and lack of UN support in parts of Syria.

“I don’t want to have disputes with them, but it’s time to tell them enough,” he said.

Their [UNHCR] policy is to forbid the return. The Lebanese policy is to encourage the return. Forbid, encourage. Stop, facilitate. That’s it.”

Jibran Bassil | Foreign Minister

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