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Alec says he ‘would absolutely win’ a race for the White House


Alec Baldwin has Trump-level confidence in winning the next race for the Oval Office. Especially if he ran as Donald Trump.

“If I ran for president, I would win,” the actor said on SiriusXM’s The Howard Stern Show on Tuesday. “I would absolutely win, 1,000 per cent I would win.”

His campaign, he added, “would be the funniest, most exciting, most crazy campaign.”

Baldwin and Stern could only think of a few people who could beat Trump in a future White House contest, which is why Stern put Baldwin’s name in the hat in the first place, positing that the actor could be “the hope of the Democratic Party.”

“I’m not,” the politicall­y outspoken star asserted.

Baldwin said he would run “because people don’t really have a sense of who is going to come up.”

“Somebody great is going to come up, I hope. But the only reason I say it is because I’d love to run for that kind of position — to just have things be very common-sense,” he said. “There’s so many things this country needs to do that are so obvious.”

If he doesn’t run, Baldwin still has a cushy gig lampooning the president. Baldwin’s pitch-perfect impersonat­ion of Trump on Saturday Night Live has earned him loads of laughs, as well as a Primetime Emmy Award earlier this year. — Los Angeles Times

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