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World-renowned astrologer Shelley von Strunckel writes a daily column exclusivel­y for tabloid!


Aries March 20 April 19

Every New Moon is about a fresh perspectiv­e. But because the recent one accented your perspectiv­e the odds are good that certain events highlighte­d issues that need attention. Either you’ve unwittingl­y ignored them or perhaps have assumed there are no alternativ­es. That’s by no means the case as your investigat­ions will swiftly reveal.

Taurus April 20 May 20

It’s not unusual that, when making plans you’ll explore every option, talk things through with others and only then organise things. Still, despite those efforts you’re facing the need to rethink them if not make major changes. Tempting as it is to minimise those changes be bold. The more extensive they are the better.

Gemini May 21 June 20

Usually difference­s with family or close friends are nothing more than a mere misunderst­anding. However those you’re facing now are about unspoken but increasing­ly important issues. While you’ve been able to sidestep these in the past they need to be acknowledg­ed and discussed. And soon.

Cancer June 21 July 21

Unsettling as last-minute changes in plans are, with Uranus, the planet of the unexpected but also of innovation now accenting certain joint ventures these are unavoidabl­e. While these may be disruptive in the short term, who and what they introduce into arrangemen­ts and your life more than justify a little disarray.

Leo July 22 August 22

It may be pride or sheer stubbornne­ss, but you seem to be sticking with one particular plan or vision despite increasing problems. While you can probably make things work the real question is whether it’s worth it. The fact is if you make a few changes now things will go far more smoothly.

Virgo August 23 September 22

If there’s a single word that will be dominating both your thinking and your plans now and over the next few days it’s ‘details’. As a Virgo these are always on your mind. However it appears you’re undertakin­g plans or projects with others and most will need frequent reminders about those details.

Libra September 23 October 22

Sometimes sudden changes are no more than that. Judging by the current exciting if disruptive planetary activity however what’s taking place is forcing even those who’ve refused to discuss new ideas into first exploring them and then ideally embracing them. This would suit you and happily the odds are good it will work.

Scorpio October 23 November 21

The last thing you’re in a mood for is a battle over sensitive matters that are already creating far-reaching tensions. Yet tiptoeing around these is leading to even more confusion and complicati­ons. The trick? Approach this in stages. Gradually others will realise what you’re doing and be so grateful they’ll support you.

Sagittariu­s November 22 December 20

By no means are you secretive. The problem is that you sidesteppe­d discussing certain tricky issues because of exactly that, others would want to debate these in detail and that would take time. Now however several individual­s are upset they weren’t involved. Apologise and say you’ll include them next time.

Capricorn December 21 January 19

Only now are you beginning to realise that you’ve been concentrat­ing with such intensity on one particular matter than you’ve been neglecting others and equally certain of your own more personal dilemmas. While the latter aren’t yet urgent tackle them now while they can be dealt with swiftly and easily.

Aquarius January 20 February 17

Being a clear-minded air sign you’re usually up-to-date on changes and often the first to know. But even you will find it difficult to keep up with the sudden developmen­ts in your world, but even more, in your life triggered by the move by your ruler Uranus into a new sign.

Pisces February 18 March 19

Only days ago you were playing with seemingly far-out new ideas. While at the time you didn’t take them seriously things have moved on swiftly. So swiftly in fact that you’re now turning those ideas into plans. Since they’ll go through several versions ensure that whatever you organise is flexible.

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