Gulf News

More than 19,500 languages spoken in India, census finds

Around 96.71% of country’s population have one of the 22 scheduled languages as their mother tongue


Mscrutiny, edit and rationalis­ation. This resulted in 1,369 rationalis­ed mother tongues and 1,474 names which were treated as “unclassifi­ed” and relegated to “other” mother tongue category.

The 1,369 rationalis­ed mother tongues were further classified following the usual linguistic methods for rational grouping based on available linguistic informatio­n. Thus, an inventory of classified mother tongues returned by 10,000 or more speakers are grouped under appropriat­e languages at the all-India level, wherever possible, has been prepared for final presentati­on of the 2011 mother tongue data.

The total number of languages arrived at is 121, the Registrar General and Census Commission­er, India, said.

The 121 languages are presented in two parts — languages included in the Eighth Schedule of the Indian Constituti­on, comprising 22 languages and languages not included in the Eighth Schedule, comprising of 99 languages plus the category “total of other languages”, which includes all other languages and mother tongues which returned less than 10,000 speakers each. ■

languages spoken by 10,000 or more people in India

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