Gulf News

EU whispers sweet nothings to May

- Ferdinando Guigliano

With only eight months left until Brexit, the UK government has become desperate for a transition deal. For all the talk of stockpilin­g food and medicines, no self-respecting politician would take the country through the economic calamity of a “cliff-edge” Brexit.

Theresa May, who has assumed control of her Brussels negotiatin­g team, met on Friday with France’s President Emmanuel Macron to try to soften his hard line on Britain. The prime minister is doing the rounds to promote her ‘Chequers’ blueprint, which includes a free trade area for goods but not services.

May has been encouraged by some positive noises from Berlin, with Angela Merkel reportedly keen to allow Britain “a dignified farewell.” But the British government would be foolish to confuse a willingnes­s to help May get some sort of fudged deal over the line with any hint of support for her hybrid trade proposal.

As has been abundantly clear over the past year and a half, the remaining 27 member states won’t ease the rules that bind them together for Britain’s benefit.

Both before and after the vote, Brexiteers have offered several reasons for why the rest of the EU would help out the UK. First came the Boris Johnson school of economic fantasy: The EU would be desperate to avoid damaging its own industry.

From German carmakers to

Italy’s prosecco producers, European businesses would force their government­s to maintain strong ties to preserve profitable exports.

None of this happened. The

EU 27 have backed their chief negotiator Michel Barnier with barely a hint of division barring one message of support to the Brexiteers from

Matteo Salvini, Italy’s farright deputy prime minister.

As for Europe’s CEOs, they’ve been much more worried about preserving the sanctity of the single market than the prospect of losing exports.

Now, it’s the turn of political blackmail. The argument is that a “no deal” Brexit would create long-standing resentment in Britain toward the EU (as if that’s been absent before now.) The Chequers proposal has already triggered resignatio­ns in May’s government. The EU should throw her a bone to help her get a deal past her bitterly divided Conservati­ve Party. Humiliatio­n would be in nobody’s interest.

Let’s not forget that it was the UK that voted to leave. Despite the English tabloid view of wicked eurocrats determined to punish plucky Britain, the EU negotiator­s are just trying to make sure that the rules of their club remain intact after Brexit. That’s only fair to the member states and other countries with EU relationsh­ips, whether trading partners or members of the European Economic Area such as Norway.

This doesn’t mean, of course, that the EU 27 won’t compromise on some areas. In financial services, there are signs that Britain may have finally accepted that it will have to be a “ruletaker” from Brussels if it is to enjoy so-called “equivalenc­e” status where it certifies that its regulatory systems are equivalent to the EU’s rules.

This blueprint could be extended beyond the areas covered by similar deals with third countries. But it’s worth pointing out that Barnier would only be giving ground where it’s in the EU’s own interest to do so: in this case it wants to keep accessing the City of London’s world-class financial services.

Indeed, while Britain has every right to draw red negotiatin­g lines wherever it wants, it must recognise by now that it doesn’t have the whip hand here. The member states understand that the EU’s intrinsic worth comes from its unity. Britain needs to accept that its standalone value is far lower.

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