Gulf News

UK must back the US to contain Iran

Tehran’s behaviour is a clear threat not only to its own people but to the wider region

- By Robert Wood Johnson ■ Robert Wood Johnson is US ambassador to the UK.

In recent days, we have seen a fresh wave of protests break out across Iran — from the capital Tehran, to other major cities like Isfahan in central Iran, Mashhad in the north east, and Shiraz in the south. With rising unemployme­nt and rampant inflation, many are struggling to survive. As conditions deteriorat­e, thousands and thousands of Iranians are braving reprisals and taking to the streets to demonstrat­e against those responsibl­e: their own government.

Rather than investing in the country and its people, the Iranian regime is squanderin­g its money on proxy wars and malign activities abroad. At the same time, Iran’s elite is lining its own pockets at the people’s expense.

Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and his supporters live lives of luxury as ordinary people struggle to get even food, water and electricit­y for their families. The Iranian people deserve better. They deserve a government that cares more about improving their lives than destroying others. They need a government that pays workers, not terrorists. A government that cracks down on poverty, not peaceful protests.

US President Donald Trump has made no secret of his deep and longstandi­ng concerns about Iran. It is not only the security and prosperity of the Iranian people that is under threat. The Iranian regime is spending billions of dollars to destabilis­e the region. It is backing Bashar Al Assad’s atrocities against the Syrian people. It is launching cyber attacks against Western democracie­s. It is sponsoring Hezbollah terrorists in Lebanon. It is arming militants in Yemen. It has publicly stated its quest to destroy Israel.

The Iranian regime’s behaviour is a threat to the Iranian people and it is a threat to the US and our partners across the globe. The US president will not stand by and allow this to continue. Ninety days ago, he made the historic decision to terminate America’s participat­ion in the 2015 nuclear agreement with Iran. The decision was not taken lightly. Since the start of this administra­tion, the US has held extensive and frank discussion­s with the British government. The UK is our closest ally and we have spent the past year working together and with other allies to try to fix the agreement.

Destructiv­e choices

It is clear that the danger from Iran did not diminish in the wake of the deal. It grew. Far from becoming a more responsibl­e member of the internatio­nal community, as we had all hoped, Iran grew bolder. As sanctions were lifted and the money flowed back, Iran’s government did not take the opportunit­y to invest in its people. Instead, it ramped up its military spending and expanded its proxy forces and terrorist networks.

We can have no further illusions about how the Iranian regime is choosing to spend the public’s money. And in light of its destructiv­e choices, it should be all the more concerning that the Iran deal did not even put a permanent block on its ability to develop nuclear weapons.

This deal, known as the Joint Comprehens­ive Plan of Action, was comprehens­ive in name only. It did nothing to end Iranian aggression and everything to enable it. Last week, America began by bringing back sanctions against Iran and we are determined to make sure they are fully enforced. The US president has been explicit: any businesses that put their commercial interests in Iran ahead of the global good will risk serious consequenc­es for their trade with the US.

Only by presenting a united front can we exert the maximum possible pressure on the Iranian regime, and get it to finally change course and put an end to its malign and reckless activities both at home and abroad. If the regime does make tangible and sustained changes to behave like a normal country, America is prepared to resume full commercial and diplomatic relations. Iran will be free to develop advanced technologi­es and play a full role in the global economy. Until then, America is turning up the pressure and we want the UK by our side. It is time to move on from the flawed 2015 deal. We are asking global Britain to use its considerab­le diplomatic power and influence and join us as we lead a concerted global effort towards a genuinely comprehens­ive agreement. Together, we can help bring about the peace and prosperity in Iran that the whole world wants to see.

 ?? Ramachandr­a Babu/©Gulf News ??
Ramachandr­a Babu/©Gulf News

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