Gulf News




3 8 10 11 12 13 15 18 19 21 22 23 24 26

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37 38 Brother of one of the Seven Sisters? (5)

The lorry I had was not articulate­d! (5)

Bit of a blighter, but no ‘heavy’ (5)

Not old enough for a state nurse (3)

Such a tree no elm could be (5)

American gentleman in Cheshire? (7)

Darling invention of J.M. Barrie (5)

In horticultu­ral hands it has a disturbing effect (3)

Price rise, possible rip-off, for French fruit (6) Holding water, it can make you rich, pet (7)

Rude thing to call many a reprobate (4)

Wherein to browse to quiet music? (4)

Where Americans pay bills around mid-May (7) Structures providing poor shelter? (6)

A form of fish food (3)

Cut off during rehearsal maybe? (5)

Taking the trouble to be thrifty (7)

New bill about ultimate justice, a legal considerat­ion (5) Write a pointed article (3) Diminutive undergroun­d guard (5)

Years building an out-of-the way nest (5)

In place of an enclosure, a tree (5)


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6 7

9 12 14 16 17 In a few words, it’s a shame being out of breath (5)

It’s shared among the family (7)

Look to make a new hat out of leather (4)

Even the best can start falling down (6)

The thinner the better (5) Are they built with axes, possibly? (5)

A letter, it’s said, a horse may understand (3)

Before modern medicine, they bled (7)

Drink with a teetotalle­r out of love (3)

One’s own little place, possibly in part of Chelsea (5) Cries out for the old-fashioned

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