Gulf News

Staying Fit: Tools to get stronger

STAYING FIT Two signature classes that revolve around a tool and a machine can be the answer to all your fitness goals

- Your guide to keeping yourself healthy and strong in the UAE by Cecelia Jyrwa.

Have you ever used a machine or a tool in your life that does everything for you? Reform Athletica, located on Jumeirah Beach Road, has two signature classes that revolve around a tool and a machine that can be the answer to all your fitness goals. Both classes improve core strength, and at the same time, provide a full body workout.

TRX Athletica, one of the classes, uses a TRX suspension trainer. The class aims at developing muscle strength and focuses on athletic movement developmen­t. Speaking to one of the co-founders and fitness instructor, Roberto Julio, I asked what makes TRX Athletica different from a normal weight-training.

“A big component of TRX training is that it develops stability and awareness in almost every movement. Using a suspension training device it forces the user to stabilise their body before performing any movement, therefore challengin­g their core stabilisin­g muscles to be engaged throughout. Also, any move can be adapted quickly and easily according to the client’s ability,” Julio explains.

Imagine yourself doing a push-up, only that both your legs are suspended. Or lunges? But again, with one leg suspended. It is challengin­g, I should say, but could be effective. The reason for suspension or using TRX, according to Julio, is to allow the user to develop body awareness and overall movement mobility. “The goal is to create a strong foundation using your own body weight as resistance and then adding external weight to progress if the client is ready for it,” he explains.

The other class is called Reform Method. This time it uses not just a simple cord but a rather complex looking machine called Lagree Megaformer. This class is all about low-impact yet highintens­ity strength and conditioni­ng exercises. It is 50-minutes long and aims at improving overall body awareness through gymnastics and pilatesins­pired

“A big component of TRX training is that it develops stability and awareness in almost every movement.” ROBERTO JULIO | Fitness instructor


Julio says: “Reform Method focuses on eliminatin­g strength imbalances by working on single leg stabilisin­g exercises, for example, as well as strengthen­ing the left and right, and the front and back of the body.”

With everything fastpaced today, I’ve noticed that most athletes also prefer fast and high-intensity workouts, so I asked Julio if Reform Method can be beneficial for all types of athletes.

“Yes, absolutely. Due to the spring loaded tension that is used on the Megaformer any movement can be adjusted according to the level of ability or background of the client. Beginners, weekend warriors, as well as profession­al athletes can train alongside each other,” Julio advises.

Having used dumbbells, EZ curl bar, rowing machines and a few more, I can say I have found my favourite. No, not monkey bars. I did love being suspended whilst doing strength muscle training.

— Cecelia Jyrwa is a senior secretary at Gulf News. She’s a mother of two and a fitness

fanatic who enjoys doing squats while carrying one of her sons. She’s currently on a quest to find the courage to

climb a monkey bar.

 ??  ?? Reform Athletica co-founder Roberto Julio.
Reform Athletica co-founder Roberto Julio.
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 ?? Photos by Arshad Ali/Gulf News ??
Photos by Arshad Ali/Gulf News
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