Gulf News

Gaza residents stare at bleak future after UNRWA cuts

UN body has slashed jobs of 158 teachers and 194 contract workers


Ola Abu Qomsan finds herself in dire straits. The mother of four was informed by the United Nations agency for Palestinia­n refugees (UNRWA) early last month she could no longer work as a psychologi­st at a school in Gaza’s Shujaia neighbourh­ood.

“This was a nightmare. I had never imagined things would get so bad. Is this how UNRWA’s Palestinia­n employees are rewarded after providing services to their community under the harshest circumstan­ces?” she asked.

The decision to slash jobs has placed Qomsan in grave economic peril, as she was the sole breadwinne­r for her family. Her husband is unemployed, and one of her children suffers from a pervasive developmen­tal disorder and needs special care that has been a financial burden on her family.

“My life has turned into a living hell following this disastrous decision [by UNRWA to cut jobs]. How can my family survive after losing our only source of income?

“We will never succumb to this policy, we will keep protesting ■ until we are reinstated in our jobs,” Ola said bitterly.

UNRWA has laid off 158 teachers, and 194 other employees who work under the contract system. It has also informed 600 other workers and teachers their contracts will be terminated by the end of 2018, due to acute funds shortages.

‘Dangerous aid cuts’

On August 24, the US announced it had cancelled more than $200 million (Dh735 million) in aid for the Palestinia­ns in the Gaza Strip and occupied West Bank. Days later, it said it would end funding for UNRWA, describing the organisati­on was “irredeemab­ly flawed”. The US, traditiona­lly the biggest donor for UNRWA, has provided only $60 million this year, compared to $365 million it used to pay in previous years.

The severe cuts will have a profoundly negative impact on the devastated coastal enclave suffering from crumbling infrastruc­ture and acute poverty.

Amal Al Batsh, deputy head of UNRWA’s workers’ syndicate in Gaza, warned the drastic cuts to the relief and education programmes of the agency will have potentiall­y dangerous implicatio­ns. “We are very concerned about the impact [the cuts are having on the] UN’s ■ operations in Gaza, in important fields like education, public services, health, and other crucial programmes. A majority of Gaza residents are dependent on UNRWA and what it used to provide — basic commoditie­s such as flour, rice, sugar, milk, and other necessitie­s that helped Gaza’s families survive under these dire circumstan­ces,” she said.

A breakdown in education is also feared, she added, after UNRWA started laying off teachers from schools. “The only option provided for the affected communitie­s like those who lost their jobs or those who are no longer receiving aid is to protest and demand their rights,” she added.

Halima Sarhan, one such protester, fainted during recent demonstrat­ions near the UN’s headquarte­rs in Gaza City. The mother of seven said she will not stop until she gets her job back. “I cannot endure this situation. I suffer from diabetes, high blood pressure, and had a blood coagulatio­n four months ago,” she said, breaking down. Her husband is also unemployed.

Ziad Al Sarafandi, a member of the refugees’ department in the Gaza Strip, told Gulf News that Washington’s efforts to weaken UNRWA by imposing serious cuts to its budget are meant to make a decision on one of the major Palestinia­n issues — refugees. “The US administra­tion, the Israeli occupation regime’s biggest ally, falsely claims the internatio­nal organisati­on is inflating the numbers of Palestinia­n refugees by conferring refugee status on descendant­s of more than 750,000 Palestinia­ns who fled their ancestral villages in 1948 as a result of the genocide perpetrate­d against them by the Zionists,” he said.

He added Washington was working to obliterate the Palestinia­ns’ right of return, and end the refugee crisis by closing down the internatio­nal relief organisati­on that was establishe­d to deal with this issue. He also said Palestinia­n refugees, wherever they may be based, are impacted by the new US policy.

■ Isra Namey is a freelance journalist based in Gaza

 ?? AFP ?? A Palestinia­n woman beats a cooking pot during a protest against a US decision to cut funding to UNRWA, outside an aid distributi­on centre in Khan Yunis, Gaza Strip.
AFP A Palestinia­n woman beats a cooking pot during a protest against a US decision to cut funding to UNRWA, outside an aid distributi­on centre in Khan Yunis, Gaza Strip.
 ??  ?? Ziad Al Sarafandi
Ziad Al Sarafandi

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