Gulf News

Trump’s sanctions cripple Iranian oil exports fast


Aggressive and undiplomat­ic, certainly, but also extremely effective. With nearly 50 days to go before new US oil sanctions against Iran enter into force, President Donald Trump has already managed to crush the country’s petroleum exports, dealing severe economic damage to Tehran.

Iranian oil exports have plunged about 35 per cent since April, the month before Trump ripped up the diplomatic deal that Barack Obama negotiated to curtail Tehran’s nuclear programme and announced new oil sanctions.

“Iranian oil exports are coming down pretty hard,” said Roger Diwan, a veteran oil analyst at consultant IHS Markit Ltd.

The bigger-than-expected reduction, with more to come, is a win for Trump, who made a tougher stance on Iran a cornerston­e of his foreign policy and imposed the sanctions despite opposition in Europe and open hostility from China and India, the top buyers of Iranian crude. When the sanctions were first announced, their unilateral nature prompted many in the oil market to question their effectiven­ess.

Oil accounts for nearly 80 per cent of Iran’s tax revenue, according to the Internatio­nal Monetary Fund, making petroleum the regime’s economic lifeblood. As oil exports have plunged, Iran’s currency has dived 60 per cent on the unofficial market.

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