Gulf News

RSS chief slams outcry over cow vigilantes

Bhagwat says there is a double standard when it comes to violence perpetrate­d by cattle smugglers


RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat yesterday said that there were double standards over violence committed in the name of cows, while nobody wastalking about cattle smugglers attacking gaurakshak­s (cow protectors).

“There is noise over lynchings, but when cow smugglers attack and indulge in violence, there is no noise over it. We should abandon these double standards,” Bhagwat said during a question and answer session at an outreach event.

He said that being violent or taking the law in one’s hands over any issue, including cows, was inappropri­ate and a crime that needs to be punished but stressed that the cow must be protected.

“It is also in the Directive Principles of the Constituti­on. So it must be acted upon. But cow protection cannot be done only through law. The cow protectors must keep the cows. If they leave the cows in the open, it will lead to nuisance,” he said.

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