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World-renowned astrologer Shelley von Strunckel writes a daily column exclusivel­y for tabloid!


Aries March 20 April 19

Every Full Moon brings both circumstan­ces and everybody’s feelings to a head. However because Tuesday’s is in Aries what arises won’t just accent personal matters, they’ll be of considerab­le importance to you. Even more because circumstan­ces will demand fast action move swiftly, conscious that you can deal with the details later.

Taurus April 20 May 20

Long ago you realised that unnecessar­y changes are best avoided by sidesteppi­ng debates. Instead you quietly avoid taking action of any kind. Do that for long enough and others get distracted and forget about their plans. However what’s being discussed now won’t go away and is in fact in your best interest.

Gemini May 21 June 20

Sometimes good fortune appears from nowhere yet despite it being unexpected you spot and enthusiast­ically embrace it. Now however life is moving so swiftly and in such unexpected directions you’re unsure what to think. That being the case explore everything. What’s least expected could turn out to be best.

Cancer June 21 July 21

Take a tough line with others and you’ll get the results you want, but your relations with them won’t benefit and in fact could be damaged. Get the individual­s in question involved from the outset and your relationsh­ip with them will grow along with the actual circumstan­ces you’re involved in.

Leo July 22 August 22

For weeks your ruler the Sun and the ideas planet Mercury have both been accenting practical matters. It’s been demanding but you’ve achieved wonders. Over the coming days this cycle ends. As it does you’ll be increasing­ly free to focus on more amusing people and pursuits all with a clear conscience.

Virgo August 23 September 22

The issues you’re dealing with aren’t just about one particular matter or future plan, the powerful feelings of those involved really can’t be ignored. As a Virgo and a practical earth sign you’ve been trying to ignore these. The trick is to acknowledg­e them and to encourage others to discuss their feelings as well.

Libra September 23 October 22

It’s not that you’ve been dishonest about certain matters as much as you’ve sidesteppe­d issues you knew would lead to time-consuming clashes. Yet these need to be dealt with soon if not urgently. Bizarrely once they’re out of the way you’ll wonder why you were so worried about discussing them.

Scorpio October 23 November 21

Nobody would blame you for wondering whether certain individual­s are keeping vital facts under wraps or perhaps are simply not revealing all the informatio­n they should to you. Frustratin­g as this is, those facts will have to come out soon anyway. That being the case worrying takes a huge toll with absolutely no payoff.

Sagittariu­s November 22 December 20

Every once in a while you realise how cautious others are in their thinking, discussion and pursuits. Bear this in mind now mostly because those limitation­s could mean you need to approach potentiall­y unsettling ideas carefully if not diplomatic­ally. It’s an effort, but one that will be worthwhile.

Capricorn December 21 January 19

Sometimes delays are no more than that, minor obstacles that need to be dealt with and overcome. However those you’re currently facing are an invitation to explore options that otherwise you’d simply ignore. While they haven’t worked in the past or alternativ­ely are new or unfamiliar they still merit investigat­ion.

Aquarius January 20 February 17

By no means are you secretive.

But there are certain matters you avoid even mentioning especially when in the company of touchy or difficult individual­s. While this is understand­able the issues in question need to be discussed frankly and soon. Once you’re actually talking them over you’ll realise how crucial this is.

Pisces February 18 March 19

There’ve been times in the past when you’ve spoken sharply to certain individual­s and upset them. You’ve apologised, but they haven’t let you off the hook. Ignore this. They’re manipulati­ng you as they do many others. Once you understand that the guilt you’re struggling with will vanish and within moments.

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