Gulf News

Social media debate

On social media, netizens argued that age did not matter when it came to valuing a person’s success


Shipra Roma: I believe that it’s impressive either way. If it’s someone young, people say ‘wow he/she is so young and achieved this’ but when someone older becomes successful they still say ‘wow he/she is incredibly talented’. Both receive the same amount of respect and applause in the end. I know I would be inspired by someone’s success no matter what their age. There’s no distinctio­n between the two. All it does is give people hope that at any moment in life, our dreams can come true and that’s the only thing that matters. I don’t appreciate Facebook more because Mark Zuckerberg is younger. I don’t appreciate Harry Potter more because J. K.

Rowling is older. Both are equally incredible and I am in awe of how they changed the world.

Raj Vac M: Money matters, age doesn’t. KFC owner became famous only after he became rich in his 70’s. He was working before as well, but nobody cared.

@lzhernande­z02: Don’t let social media scare you into thinking you have to have everything by a certain age. Success is relative! It can be little or big; but progress is progress. Give yourself credit for getting that job you wanted or getting out of bed. Be proud of yourself.

@Bahaisane: Congratula­tions to US Open winner Naomi Osaka! At 20 years old this girl is evidence that success has no age, it is different to everyone, it’s not industry specific and it has no generic timeline. Your passion is your purpose, tap in to it!

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