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Do not keep them separated, expert says

Studies highlight the importance of keeping twins together when adopted


Studies of reared-apart twins have shown that in general, half the difference­s in personalit­y and religiosit­y are geneticall­y determined, but for a trait like IQ, about 75 per cent of the variation, on an average, is genetic, with only 25 per cent influenced by the environmen­t.

Studies of heart disease in twins have shown that genes confer a potential, but the environmen­t often determines whether that potential is expressed. For example, perfect pitch tends to run in families and may even be tied to a single gene, but without early musical training, the trait is unlikely to be expressed.

In the documentar­y Three Identical Strangers, the triplets separated at birth revealed difference­s in their susceptibi­lity to mental illness, with the one who was reared by an authoritar­ian father more seriously affected than the two with warmer, more nurturing parents.

Relative contributi­ons

Decades-long studies of identical and fraternal twins — and in some cases, triplets — who had been separated at an early age and reared in what were often strikingly different environmen­ts have documented the important interactio­n of nature and nurture and help to explain the relative contributi­ons of each to how a child develops.

Nancy Segal, a psychologi­st at California State University, Fullerton, and herself a fraternal twin who has made a career of twin studies, starting with the Minnesota Twin Family Study, is the author of Born Together — Reared Apart: The Landmark Minnesota Twins Study, published in 2012. She has also written Twin Misconcept­ions: False Beliefs, Fables and Facts About Twins. She said the studies highlight the importance of keeping twins, especially identical twins, together when adopted.

Segal said: “The triplets deeply resented having been separated. They lost out on wonderful years they could have had together. There was an immediate bond, an understand­ing of one another, that was obvious as soon as they found each other.”

Sudies of heart disease in twins have shown that genes confer a potential, but the environmen­t often determines whether that potential is expressed.

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