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Why you can’t ignore other people’s screens


- New York Times News Service BY JOHN HERRMAN

Other people’s screens are everywhere, once you start to notice them. They’re collective­ly most obvious at night, as they bob through the city, creating a new, hand-height layer to the ambient lights, or when held up at concerts, like lighters. During the day, other people’s screens hover around us as we wait in line for coffee, or as we sit and drink our coffee, or as we take our coffee on the bus or train.

Other people’s screens are windows into their lives, and brains, and relationsh­ips and work — into their politics, anxieties, failures and addictions. They tend to appear between one and three feet away from other people’s faces, depending.

Other people’s screens are also a lot smaller than they used to be, when they were perched almost exclusivel­y on desks and tables at offices and in homes, where the presence of strangers is rare or worrying by default. In 2010, 27 per cent of American people carried portable screens; by the end of 2016, it was more than 80 per cent.

Over the same period, the largest iPhone screen grew from 8.9cm, from one corner to the other, to 14cm.

Other people’s screens got clearer and brighter, from a wider range of angles: flat on a desk; held low, for a glance during dinner; held out for a group to see; and of course, spied over a shoulder, on the way to work.

‘Shoulder surfing’

Other people’s screens have changed the phenomenon of “shoulder surfing” — peeking over shoulders, often with malicious intent — or so a team of researcher­s at the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich surmised.

Shoulder surfing is why your passwords show up as dots or asterisks when you type them out on your computer or your phone.

But most of the literature on it is security-focused, a response, perhaps, to questions of how best to safeguard one’s informatio­n, during a time before portable screens.

In a world in which other people’s screens are virtually impossible to ignore, there were “no detailed investigat­ions of shoulder surfing incidents and their real-world implicatio­ns,” wrote the researcher­s in Munich. So they distribute­d a survey, asking a range of questions about a hypothetic­al scenario in which a fictional character named “Vic” is looking at the mobile device of another fictional character named “Cas,” and Cas remains “not aware” of it.

Vic and Cas, who, disarmingl­y, “could both be you or anyone else” are shown as stick figures to help participan­ts respond to prompts like: “Do you know of a **real** situation in which this happened?” and “What exactly could Vic see on the screen (eg text, pictures, passwords/PINs, maps, videos, apps, games, etc)?”

The responses to the survey did not reveal a world of thieves and victims, exactly. In their analysis, the researcher­s suggested that “shoulder surfing was mostly casual and opportunis­tic.”

It was “most common among strangers, in public transport, during commuting times, and involved a smartphone in almost all cases,” they said.

Few participan­ts indicated malicious intent when they admitted to acting like Vic and spying on Cas.

“However,” the researcher­s wrote, “both users and observers expressed negative feelings in the respective situation, such as embarrassm­ent and anger or guilt and unease.”

What did subjects see, on other people’s screens? Nearly half the time the answer was text. Then pictures, then games, then — in the shoulder surfing tradition — “credential­s,” or passwords, more specifical­ly. More specifical­ly, in order of frequency, other people’s phones revealed: instant messaging, Facebook, email and news.

‘Positive feelings’

What did subjects “observe,” on other people’s screens? “Relationsh­ips / third persons,” most of all, but then interests and hobbies and “plans.”

Why did they look at other people’s screens? “Curiosity” and “boredom” tied for first, with nothing else coming close.

When they imagined being observed, survey participan­ts reported negative feelings — that they felt they had been spied on, harassed, or that they were angry — in 37 cases, with just one respondent reporting “positive feelings.”

For this moment, though, other people’s screens will be to us as ours are to them, which is to say everywhere, and showing us just enough to remind us that, really, we should just mind our own.

Other people’s screens got clearer and brighter, from a wider range of angles: flat on a desk; held low, for a glance during dinner; held out for a group to see; and of course, spied over a shoulder, on the way to work.

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