Gulf News

Confidence is important but so is skill


Fake it till you make it’ can only help for some time, until the people around you see what you are doing. For example, you could fake it in a job interview, claiming you have worked on certain projects and have a lot of knowledge. But in reality, a few months after you get the job, it will all show in your results.

Instead, I believe in picking up a junior position, proving yourself, learning and then getting a promotion instead of faking it and trying to get a sernior position. It is better to work your way up.

I do believe confidence is very important in everything that we do and not just in our careers. But, if you don’t have the knowledge behind that confidence, it will all go sideways.

So, it’s not just one ingredient that will bring people success. Knowledge, confidence and character will all help you along the way.

From Ms Natalie Koreh

Brand manager living in Dubai

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