Gulf News

‘Age is not an obstacle when it comes to lifting weights’

- BY JUMANA KHAMIS Staff Reporter

Age is not an obstacle when it comes to hitting the gym, Jonathan Hadfield said. “I train people of all ages. You can be 20, 50 or even 70, if you’re physically and medically cleared, then you can lift weights.”

Depending on age, genetics and lifestyle, exercises slightly vary considerin­g factors such as range of movement, period of recovery and strength level.

Hadfield referred to increasing bone density and reducing your chance of falling and breaking a limb, as one of the long-term benefits of lifting weights. “If you feel stronger and fitter, you feel better physically and mentally and are more confident to cope with challenges,” he said.

Another misconcept­ion is that weight training is not suitable for people suffering from injuries or specific conditions. “If someone has skeletal issues or injuries, they should be referred to a medical practition­er by their trainer. They would then be sent to a physiother­apist who will clarify which exercises to practise and which to avoid,” Hadfield said.

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