Gulf News

Men can also be harassed but no one listens


Forty-eight per cent of people in the US felt women make safer workplaces, according to Pew Research. People might think that based on experience, but you can’t say that women are always creating safer workspaces either. It really depends on the manager’s mentality and how you behave with your employees and there are black sheep in every community.

Women can be more emotionall­y intelligen­t so probably women can be much easier to work with. They can also perhaps understand your situation and problem better. However, you cannot blame one person in a situation, there are always two sides to a story. At the moment, in many cases due process of investigat­ion is not followed. Also, many women can make men uncomforta­ble but no one would believe a man. Many women have the habit of touching people while speaking, whether man or woman. This is something that can be seen by everyone, yet no one raises the issue. Everyone can see that someone is uncomforta­ble but no one says anything because people don’t believe it.

From Mr Abdul Rahim Nasir

Marketing manager and entreprene­ur living in Dubai

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