Gulf News

A veteran’s shoe selection tips


Although some factors have changed, many essential shoe-selection tips remain the same. The following list comes from the American Academy of Podiatric Sports Medicine and the experts interviewe­d for this article. Regard the tips as tried-and-true essentials. 1 Buy at a store: You might save Dh20 or Dh50 online, but the in-store fitting process is so central to a running-shoe purchase that you can’t put a price on it. 2 Try on shoes in the late afternoon or early evening, because your feet swell during the day (and when you run). 3 Wear the same wicking socks you wear while running. Also wear any regularly used shoe inserts or orthotics. 4 Pay careful attention to both feet: They’re slightly different sizes, move differentl­y and receive different amounts of force. 5 Avoid shoes that are too short. Select a pair with a finger’s width of space between your toes and the front of the shoes. 6 Jog around in the store or on a nearby sidewalk. You can’t judge running shoes by walking. 7 Buy the simplest, least gimmicky shoe that feels good and works well. That doesn’t mean the lightest or most minimal, but it does mean avoiding excessive weight and unnecessar­y doodads. Also, there’s no evidence that expensive shoes are better for you.

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