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Merkel’s exit will be Europe’s loss

German chancellor is the cultural foil to the demagoguer­y of our times, a torch-bearer for civilised values

- By Rafael Behr

Turning points in world affairs form flashbulb memories, vivid snapshots of the scene when we heard the news: Declaratio­ns of war; assassinat­ions; natural disasters. They form the album of shared memories that defines each generation.

On the November morning in 1990, when British prime minister Margaret Thatcher resigned, I was at school. I can picture the very classroom. The teacher took the unpreceden­ted step of wheeling in a TV so we could watch the Iron Lady’s momentous departure from Downing Street. I had no notion of what it was like to have a different prime minister. French friends say it was the same for them when Francois Mitterrand stood down in 1995, after 14 years in the Elysee palace. It took a while to get used to hearing the words “monsieur le president” in reference to a different face.

And so there will be a generation of Germans who will struggle to get their heads around the idea of politics without Angela Merkel. They don’t have to adjust overnight. Merkel has signalled that she will not seek re-election as leader of her Christian Democratic Union (CDU) party — a role she has occupied since 2000. She has been chancellor since 2005 and can carry on in that post, but Tuesday’s declaratio­n effects a status shift from leader to caretaker. Merkel’s domestic position has been shaky since elections last year forced her into an unstable coalition with a debilitate­d Social Democratic party (SPD). That partnershi­p elevated the far-right Alternativ­e fuer Deutschlan­d (AfD) to the status of principal opposition party by default. Subsequent regional ballots have reinforced the sense of malaise in Germany’s political centre, as voters migrate towards the fringe. A poll in Hesse last week was won by the CDU, but the party’s share dropped by more than 11 points. The SPD also shed support, while the Greens and AfD made significan­t gains.

Length of service is only part of the story. Merkel has seen world leaders come and go. Tony Blair was her first British counterpar­t. She indulged David Cameron as the “naughty nephew” of whom she tried to make a responsibl­e European. She warned him against trying to placate Euro-sceptic backbenche­rs, correctly predicting that they would never be satisfied. She was apparently unimpresse­d when Theresa May wasted their first bilateral encounter in 2016, giving nothing away, reciting lines from a prepared script.

Merkel must have had occasion to wonder what on earth happened to Britain when a buffoon like Boris Johnson could become foreign secretary, and be replaced by Jeremy Hunt, a man who can glibly equate the European Union and the USSR. Merkel’s childhood was spent in Communist East Germany. She knows the difference between a union of free democracie­s and a prison state. Where, she must ask herself, did all the grown-ups go?

Meanwhile, most liberal internatio­nalists admired Merkel’s principled embrace of Syrian refugees and marvelled at history’s capacity for irony: Placing the torch of tolerance and good global governance in the hands of a German chancellor for safekeepin­g, and having her stand as a cultural foil to a demagogic president of the United States.

Tilting global balance

There is some simplistic mythologis­ing in the admiration of Merkel as the anti-Trump figurehead for European civilisati­on. (Openborder generosity hasn’t done her much good in domestic politics). But the very existence of that hagiograph­y expresses a powerful craving for stability, maturity and dignity in global affairs. The victory in Brazil’s presidenti­al election of Jair Bolsonaro — an aggressive far-right authoritar­ian — tilts the global balance another few degrees against the rule of law and towards a doctrine of swaggering, might-is-right machismo. It might be coincidenc­e that Bolsonaro enters on one side of the stage just as Merkel prepares her exit, but that doesn’t make the contrast less poignant.

In Britain too, this developmen­t was submerged in coverage of the budget, although in years to come no one will be swapping stories of where they were the day Philip Hammond delivered his 2018 fiscal set-piece. The whole show is meaningles­s without clarity about the United Kingdom’s relationsh­ip with the rest of Europe. It is a case study in political dysfunctio­n, a circus to make populists and tyrants glad and an item on the list that makes responsibl­e politician­s in Europe and the US fret about the health of liberal democracy. That anxiety is stoked by the prospect of Merkel’s departure, even if it has felt inevitable for a while.

In volatile times she has served as the ambassador from a more stable era, recent enough that it feels still comforting. When she goes, that era is formally committed to memory, consigned to the past, and there opens up a terrible vacancy. ■ Rafael Behr is a noted political columnist.

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 ??  ?? ‘I wasn’t born a chancellor ...’ World needs Merkel now more than everMerkel on the spot after painful regional vote
‘I wasn’t born a chancellor ...’ World needs Merkel now more than everMerkel on the spot after painful regional vote

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