Gulf News



ACROSS: 9. D-is-close 10. Son (rev) 11. Inu-red 12. Shut up 13. Smashed 14. (m)Oral(e) 15. Blasted off 17. Man-if-old 18. S-Carl-et

19. Bank 21. Off-end 24. Stopping at nothing 27. St-and-s 29. I-tem (rev) 30. MA-gnate 33. Cash-mere 35. Clothes peg 36. O-pen 37. Out-come 38. R-EP-ose 40. E-nsu-re 41. Rue 42. Tone deaf.

1. High places 2. S-cat 3. Comp-L-ete 4. Versio-N 5. In the making 6. Finding out 7. Pu-t-o-ff 8. Be-fall-en 10. Staff

16. S-Ir-loin 20. A-pace 22. Fri-ends 23. Inside story 25. Passed over 26. Gather-s-way 28. T-R-apping 31. A-d-her-ent

32. Honest-Y 34. Hang-up 35. C-love 39. Pads.



3 8

10 11 12 13 15 18 19 21 22 23

Work dough (5) Belong, conform (3,2)

Boy’s name (5) Tup (3) Person (5) Book of words (7) Provide food (5) Toddler (3) Uproar (6)

Ties up (7) Female servant (4) Action (4) 24

26 29 31 32 34 35 36 37 38



Harmful, vindictive (7)

Raid, incursion (6) Speck (3)

Gain knowledge (5) Skyline (7) Fact (5) Flipper (3) Girl’s name (5) Student (5) Coarse files (5)

Warning device (5)

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