Gulf News

Future is here


The new gulfnews. com is part of a plan that will see your leading media organisati­on creating new and innovative ways of telling the story better than ever. We are going ... to a new level of the excellence.”

Being the leading media organisati­on in our environmen­t is a challenge. A challenge that we happily took on day after day, offering our loyal readers our unique brand of journalism — news, views and informatio­n, that made Gulf News the top choice for readers and audiences in the UAE and the Gulf region. The future of media promises a whole lot of opportunit­ies and potential for both publishers and readers. In Gulf News , we decided to speed the process up. The future is here. As we geared up for our 40th anniversar­y, we came up with many ideas to take the Gulf News brand to the next level. During the celebratio­ns last month, we announced that we will be introducin­g many new and innovative ideas that will not only enrich our loyal readership experience but also offer them more of the informativ­e and diverse content our readers have enjoyed over the past four decades. In this context, we decided to relaunch And we are thrilled about it. Why? The new website offers a completely new design that matches the Gulf News identity and growth, and our continuous strive for innovation. We are introducin­g a new website that offers more of the Gulf News content that you have enjoyed for years. Now, it will be easier and faster to browse and find the informatio­n that interests you faster than ever. (Try our search engine; it is amazingly fast and thorough). The design is smart, responsive and easy to navigate without the clutter that you might see in many other websites. The browsing experience is not only as informativ­e as ever but has become more intelligen­tly fun. In the age of mobile headlines and social media, we want to enrich the reading experience that goes beyond the headlines. We want our readers to be able to fully enjoy the experience and be part of it. Therefore, the sections have been reorganise­d in a way that matches the diverse nature of our readership, their interests and habits. The new is part of a plan that will see your leading media organisati­on creating new and innovative ways of telling the story better than ever. The plan transcends the website and Apps. We are going to take all our platforms and content packages to a new level of the excellence that our readers deserve and expect from

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