Gulf News

What does ‘tolerance’ mean to us

- By Sanith Santhasa Piyadigama­ge

Presently, humankind speaks of an era of limitless possibilit­ies. We are doing a lot as a race and have even started modifying genes and the process of reproducti­on. On November 16 we gathered in groups to speak of something different. We gather in groups to remind each other of our survival and how everything depended on sticking together and tolerance. Tolerance is the word of the week. What does it mean? How do we define it?

It is the ability to understand individual difference­s and be able to be free from judgement. These are definition­s that I understand. But I believe the word tolerance means “the ability to be human”. To live and let live is no longer taken note of. The customs and beliefs of people have been questioned today. The shortcomin­gs of individual­s are not excused. Nations are divided and many are currently in the middle of civil wars. How did we forget that our survival at inception depended on our ability to work together and make communitie­s?

Diversity and empathy are what the world needs! What were your contributi­ons? Remember you and I are not good at everything. We need to collaborat­e. Our goal is not to fix our weaknesses. Our goal is to fortify our strengths. Remember, giving to the person next to you, acknowledg­ing the person next to you will help you symbolise who you are. Last week was the internatio­nal week of tolerance but how ‘human’ have you really been? The reader is a student of a Dubai school.

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