Gulf News

The counter movement


Although unhealthy goals surroundin­g women’s bodies have long existed, there seems to be a shift in some people’s preference­s and the body positivity movement seems to be thriving alongside such fads. Social media users are denouncing such extreme trends and promoting the culture of accepting one’s body. Tweep, @opi_oak, posted: “I’m done telling myself I’m too big to pull off certain styles. It’s

all about self-love and body positivity my dudes.”

Twitter user @lephilll, shared her struggles going to the gym: “Why I’ve stopped going to the gym ... because my only real goal was to get a flatter tummy really. My body shape isn’t like that, I like the person I am, and I’m learning to like the body I have. It’s all about self-acceptance and learning to love yourself.”

Tweep @mnquecrtny admitted that it might be difficult to be positive sometimes: “Losing weight is hard, but what’s even harder is learning to love my body through the whole process and learning that there’s no ‘finish line’ in self-love and acceptance. Waiting for the day when I flip a switch and suddenly love my body is exhausting.”

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