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- World-renowned astrologer Shelley von Strunckel writes a daily column exclusivel­y for tabloid!

Aries March 20 April 19

This week’s biggest challenge isn’t the actual dilemmas you’re facing, but rather admitting you’ve few options. Waste no time trying to figure out a way around these obstacles. For now go with the flow. You’ll learn a lot. But also when decisions are up to you in early January you’ll know what’s what.

Taurus April 20 May 20

Those around you seem very sure they know what’s in your best interests. You’ve no doubt their facts are right and realise they want things to work out well. Despite that you’d still prefer to both learn more and weigh up your options before anybody starts discussing lasting decisions.

Gemini May 21 June 20

Obviously every sign was influenced by last Friday’s Full Moon. However the fact it was in Gemini means you’ve been wrestling with both the emotional intensity it triggered and the bizarre range of sudden changes it ushered in as well. Overwhelmi­ng as this seems dealing with them together will be much easier.

Cancer June 21 July 21

The line between chatting about intriguing new ideas and being quizzed by others for advice isn’t always clear. However with so much in transition even the simplest of matters are likely to change and change again before anything is settled. Knowing that keep your thoughts about any plans to yourself.

Leo July 22 August 22

Few planetary alliances are as exciting as the current link between your ruler the Sun and fortunate Jupiter. It’s so powerful you may already have experience­d some of its benefits. If in doubt how to respond say yes first and focus on details later. What comes your way could be life-changing.

Virgo August 23 September 22

For ages you’ve been thinking about reorganisi­ng elements of your way of living or working but have always been distracted by pressing tasks. However you’ve just realised that if you actually made some changes you’d be able to streamline even complicate­d tasks. That alone justifies the effort required to organise those changes.

Libra September 23 October 22

No sign is better equipped to diplomatic­ally sidestep potentiall­y tricky issues. At the moment however you’d be far better off addressing these frankly. True, that won’t be easy and could lead to confrontat­ions. Still, genuine clashes are unlikely and better yet you’ll probably put those matters to rest possibly for good.

Scorpio October 23 November 21

Exciting as the ideas currently being discussed may be the pace is worryingly swift. Tempting as it is to try to slow things down you’d only complicate matters. Risky as plunging in with so little informatio­n and even less time seems within days you’ll realise it was by far the best approach.

Sagittariu­s November 22 December 20

Although every sign benefits from the current planetary activity involving the Sun, Mercury and Jupiter the fact the latter is your ruler and also they’re all actually positioned in Sagittariu­s indicates you’ve reached a powerful and positive turning point. Knowing that, explore every idea or offer that comes your way.

Capricorn December 21 January 19

Usually you’re the first to spot an issue that could turn into a problem. While that’s exactly what you’ve done finding a solution is another matter. Actually judging by the current emphasis on the most strategic portion of your chart this period is about reviewing past and future plans, not taking action.

Aquarius January 20 February 17

In early November your ruler Uranus moved into the communicat­ion portion of your chart triggering a cycle of discussion. While you’ve talked over and resolved numerous matters a few remain unsettled if not real issues. Tackle these now, but slowly. They’re far more complex and important than you realise.

Pisces February 18 March 19

Although you’re undoubtedl­y up to date on the retrograde Mercury which it will be until December 6 you may not be aware that your ruler Neptune has been retrograde and better yet is once again moving forward. And with that the odds are good certain plans will move forward as well.

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