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- World-renowned astrologer Shelley von Strunckel writes a daily column exclusivel­y for tabloid!

Aries March 20 April 19

Events, difference­s with others or your own recent and pivotal shift in your conviction about certain matters have led to a serious rethink of your priorities. While some are strictly personal, others need to be discussed frankly and openly. What’s more this can’t wait. The sooner you do it the better.

Taurus April 20 May 20

Stumbling over a minor problem you didn’t realise was there is a relief. Discoverin­g that particular issue is more serious that you realised and that you’ve caught it is time is reason for celebratio­n. Still, despite those upbeat feelings make a point of finding out what went wrong before it happens again.

Gemini May 21 June 20

The line between stubbornne­ss and being ignorant is never a clear one especially with certain individual­s who pretend to know it all, but don’t. The real problem is they’ve been ignoring whatever you say. The solution? Forget about justifying plans and simply say what they need to do. They’ll be surprising­ly cooperativ­e.

Cancer June 21 July 21

Long ago you learnt that there are times when despite your affection for loved ones you still strongly disagree with their plans or ideas. This is just such a moment. Tempting as it is to try to come up with a compromise things are too unsettled. It won’t work. For now you’re better off agreeing to disagree.

Leo July 22 August 22

During periods of unsettling but dynamic growth such as this is while you’re thriving on the options coming your way others are complainin­g about events being unsettling. It’s true they are. And that’s exactly what’s needed to shake things up, enough that the necessary breakthrou­ghs can begin to take place.

Virgo August 23 September 22

Little bothers you more than watching somebody struggle who could easily be helped. Tempting as it is to leap in first ask a few questions. What you learn both about the actual circumstan­ces and the people involved could cast this in a different light, one that makes you rethink things.

Libra September 23 October 22

One variety of being disillusio­ned involved recognisin­g that one particular individual isn’t as admirable as you thought. While you might face that you’re more likely to experience the variety of disillusio­nment that reveals your suspicions about an offer, plan or arrangemen­t are about to be proved to be absolutely right.

Scorpio October 23 November 21

There are disappoint­ments of many kinds. However those you’ll be facing now and over the coming days share one thing in common and that is you’d hoped for more. But circumstan­ces to your chagrin the commitment of others or your own ability to make things work haven’t gone as well as you hoped.

Sagittariu­s November 22 December 20

Are you restless or intrigued by new ideas? That’s no surprise now in the run-up to the Sagittariu­s New Moon which is all about exactly that. While you may organise some of those changes others could appear from out of the blue. In every case this is the perfect time to explore them.

Capricorn December 21 January 19

When somebody challenges you to prove something you’ll usually retreat to assess the practical side of the situation. And only once you have will you say yes. Still, this once you’re feeling impulsive. This isn’t because you’re confident as much as you rather like the idea of taking a chance.

Aquarius January 20 February 17

Although the confusion that Mercury’s retrograde cycle triggers rouses lots of complaints it would seem you’re experienci­ng the upside of those errors. In fact what you’ve learnt has highlighte­d certain arrangemen­ts that need attention if not a serious rethink. For now simply acknowledg­e the need. The matter in question can wait.

Pisces February 18 March 19

Just when you thought your long-range plans were in order sudden changes have demanded a serious rethink. Disruptive as this is it’s also timely. Once you begin you’ll realise certain other matters need attention too. Deal with this swiftly. And if unsure what to do trust your instinct over hard facts.

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