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- World-renowned astrologer Shelley von Strunckel writes a daily column exclusivel­y for tabloid!

Aries March 20 April 19

Just when you thought plans were settled somebody came up with a new idea. While admittedly, this is worth pursuing you’re getting impatient and want to get things going. This is understand­able. Yet if you press ahead this may soon be forgotten. Knowing that it’s worth being patient while this is put into action.

Taurus April 20 May 20

Facts may be exactly that, facts. But during periods of rapid change and growth such as this is even what seem unarguable facts can shift as circumstan­ces change. The best way to deal with such matters? Wait, watch and learn. Urgent as things seem this is by far the best approach.

Gemini May 21 June 20

In mid-November the forthright Mars moved into the portion of your chart that accents the structure of your life. While you’ve probably already reviewed certain arrangemen­ts during its remaining two weeks there you’ll find several other matters appear, some from out of the blue. The sooner you tackle them the better.

Cancer June 21 July 21

Dealing with one particular person has always demanded patience. Lately however it almost seems they’re taking advantage of those around them when they can. This includes you. Unappealin­g as the idea of standing up to them seems you’ve no option. It won’t be easy, but you’ll be glad you did.

Leo July 22 August 22

Don’t make the mistake of assuming that certain individual­s know how much they matter to you. The problem is their way of expressing those feelings is very different from yours. Experiment. Talk things over. You’ve nothing to lose by doing this and will find that the more you discuss the more you’ll gain.

Virgo August 23 September 22

While usually you’d be right and wise to point out minor but potentiall­y troublesom­e errors in others’ thinking, the less you say the better. That may seem unwise. But with things moving so swiftly either those errors will soon become crucial and be dealt with or alternativ­ely be sidelined because they’re unimportan­t.

Libra September 23 October 22

Most Libras are experts at refusing offers or unwelcome invitation­s graciously, so much the individual in question feels flattered. Now however you’re dealing with somebody who won’t take ‘no’ for an answer. This leaves you little choice but to be forthright if not just plain blunt about your intentions.

Scorpio October 23 November 21

Certain tricky situations were triggered by the Scorpio New Moon a month ago. This constitute­d a sort of new year complete with resolution­s about what should change or go. However you didn’t discuss these with others. They’re now wondering if your feelings towards them have changed. Explain. And the sooner the better.

Sagittariu­s November 22 December 20

Little is more annoying than discussing future plans with somebody whose knowledge of the matter in question is limited, but who thinks they’re an expert. Actually the sooner you tackle this the better. Once you’ve talked things over you can back off and leave the individual in question to their own devices.

Capricorn December 21 January 19

The Sun is in the most strategic and sensitive portion of your chart. Consequent­ly life’s about reflection until it moves into Capricorn on the 21st. While it may seem you’re not accomplish­ing much, once the Sun’s positioned in your sign and you’re able to take action you’ll realise how much you learnt.

Aquarius January 20 February 17

You’ve long suspected that one particular individual has no interest in resolving persistent issues. But now that several options have arisen and they’ve refused them all you’re beginning to realise they actually enjoy having something to moan about. Be cautious. They could soon decide you’re their next subject for those complaints.

Pisces February 18 March 19

When the planet of courage and action, Mars, moved into Pisces in midNovembe­r you began a cycle during which events forced you to confront both difficult people and tricky situations. This hasn’t been easy and in fact often was challengin­g. Yet looking back you’re proud of what you’ve accomplish­ed. You should be.

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