Gulf News

This Emirati helicopter pilot drives a taxi in his spare time

Abed Al Beloushi is the first Emirati to sign up as Uber driver

- BY ANJANA KUMAR Web Reporter

When he’s not flying a chopper, Emirati Abed Al Beloushi is on the road as an Uber driver. The 27-year-old pilot says he drives a cab in his spare time so that he can serve his nation as a cultural ambassador and give his passengers an insight into the rich cultural heritage of the country.

“There is no shame in driving a taxi. I am proud that I am following the UAE leaders’ vision which encourages young Emiratis to promote the country,” says Al Beloushi, the first Emirati to sign up as an Uber driver in the UAE.

“So when I was given a chance to drive for the app-based taxi hire firm in Abu Dhabi, I jumped at the idea. I reckon it’s a great way to help passengers acquaint themselves with Emirati culture,” adds Al Beloushi, who drives a 2017 four-door Mini Cooper S for Uber.

“A lot of people visit the UAE. Unfortunat­ely, not many get the chance to meet the natives or interact with them. I hope to change that.”

He says he has had mixed response from people hailing his cab. “They would not believe that I was an Uber driver and would often ask if I was indeed the driver. When I would say ‘Yes’, their reply would be: ‘But you are an Emirati, right? How come you are driving a cab?’”

Al Belooshi says he wants more Emiratis, especially students to follow in his footsteps.

“Those visiting the UAE need to understand Emirati culture and for that we need to strengthen the presence of Emirati cabbies in the country.”

 ??  ?? Abed Al Beloushi drives a 2017 four-door Mini Cooper S for Uber.
Abed Al Beloushi drives a 2017 four-door Mini Cooper S for Uber.

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