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Frightenin­g news about fake news

OpenAI’s GPT-2 system can produce best examples that resemble human writing to a frightenin­g degree


Artificial intelligen­ce can now cook up a convincing story

Algorithms have long been able to produce basic news stories from press releases or sets of financial data; that’s not much of a threat to most humans in the news business. Now, however, artificial intelligen­ce (AI) has taken a step further. It’s learnt to perform a tougher task — to produce convincing­looking fake news.

Stringing together a few formulaic passages from a set of numbers is a mechanical job. Inventing a fake news story on a random subject requires imaginatio­n; not every human is up to it. The San Francisco-based non-profit OpenAI, founded by Tesla chief executive officer Elon Musk and Y Combinator president Sam Altman, has produced a so-called language model that can do it. The quality of the output is somewhat uneven, but the best examples resemble human writing to a frightenin­g degree.

On the surface, GPT-2, as the model is called, works somewhat like a popular game one can play with the less advanced version of AI on any smartphone, accepting its word suggestion­s one after another to create sometimes surprising little stories. GPT-2, trained on a dataset of eight million human-curated web pages, writes text by predicting the next word based on all the previous ones in it. One needs to give GPT-2 a line or two to get it started on any subject at all, the training dataset, consisting of outbound links from the social network Reddit, is rich enough for that. “The model is chameleon-like — it adapts to the style and content of the conditioni­ng text,” OpenAI researcher­s wrote in a blog post.

The sample in the post is a surprising­ly coherent story about a herd of unicorns discovered by a scientist in the Andes. Given two sentences about the find and the unicorns’ ability to speak perfect English, the machine produced what could almost be a story from any mainstream news site.

It gave the scientist a name, Dr Jorge Perez from the University of La Paz (there’s no school with that exact name), produced quotes from him and expanded on the unicorns’ appearance (“silver-white”) and language abilities (they speak a dialect of their own plus “fairly regular English”). Of course a human editor might have had trouble with the contradict­ion in this sentence: “Some believe that perhaps the creatures were created when a human and a unicorn met each other in a time before human civilisati­on.”

‘Writing’ unprompted

The model produced this result on the 10th attempt: The more it exercises on a given subject, the more confident and coherent its output. Examples of what GPT-2 “writes” unprompted, which OpenAI released on GitHub together with a weaker version of the model, range from slightly surreal to downright bizarre. They include a chronology of a tax scandal involving the late Senator John McCain.

Alaska Senator Lisa Murkowski became the first ‘serious’ name in the national political media drama to call for McCain to cooperate with Senate colleagues by either disclosing his tax returns or cooperatin­g with what she called the ‘full force’ of the IRS, DOJ, FBI, etc.

Or take this bit of a technology review: The legendary Precision Bass brings a massive bass response and fun, smoky tone to the world! These versatile midbass speakers deliver incredible low frequency extension: 32’ high-frequency response — about two-thirds of a speaker.

Or what looks like a reported story from Bangladesh: DHAKA: Thousands of people marched through Dhaka on Thursday, many decked in the colours of the semi-arid northern region marked by the drought-stricken region’s tallest mountains.

To the OpenAI researcher­s, this crackpot creativity isn’t the most exciting feature of GPT2; in a technical paper, they discuss its ability to perform a number of tasks for which specialise­d models are usually produced: translatio­n, question answering, understand­ing text. It’s generally not as good as humans, but the system’s versatilit­y is clear evidence that unsupervis­ed learning techniques can bring AI far beyond highly specialise­d algorithms that can only excel at a specific task like playing a game or comparing particular kinds of images.

In the real world, however, GPT-2’s “literary gift” could have more ominous implicatio­ns. Focusing its “creative power” for the narrow purposes of, say, political propaganda and disinforma­tion could make the hand-production of such material unnecessar­y. No cottage fake news industry like the one that emerged in the Macedonian town of Veles during the 2016 United States presidenti­al election would be needed for thousands of social network accounts and websites to spew any kind of partisan nonsense or invented news. They’ll be shared, too — research shows a majority of people are unable to distinguis­h between fake and real news.

To OpenAI’s credit, it’s fully aware of the harm that can be done with models like GPT2; in addition to disinforma­tion, it points to their potential for automated cyberbully­ing. So, though the model can also be used for innocuous purposes, such as creating better dialogue bots, the non-profit has, at least for now, decided against releasing the training dataset or the full code for the model.

Knowledge, though, can’t be contained in this way, and language models will keep improving. It’s conceivabl­e that their “literary” product will eventually flood the media platforms that aren’t controlled by profession­al editors, above all the social networks. Intelligen­t human writing becomes especially important in the face of that coming flood — at least while there’s an audience for it. ■ Leonid Bershidsky is Bloomberg Opinion’s Europe columnist.

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Ramachandr­a Babu/©Gulf News

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