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Why is this generation so lonely?

Social isolation and high expectatio­ns are among the issues that are affecting young adults


Today’s young adults — the Millennial Generation and Generation Z — appear to be the loneliest generation, recent studies show. The culprits are different in each of the studies: Personal environmen­t, economics, relationsh­ips, employment (or lack it), or lack of finances. As I fall into this category, I have pondered about loneliness. Is it the problem of this generation? Is it possible that the previous generation too felt the same? And what is it really that makes us feel lonely?

I guess one of the reasons is that most people from this generation are socially isolated. It’s not about preferring to be alone but choosing to avoid connecting with others. That doesn’t necessaril­y mean surroundin­g yourself with people all the time, as lots of people work in groups but hardly ever form relationsh­ips outside of their workplace. Many young adults feel isolated and left out without anyone to talk to or confide in. We are all essentiall­y feeling around this “adulting” thing and yet we find it difficult to relate to others.

We can’t blame this technologi­cal advancemen­t, saying that it’s the gadgets’ fault for our lack of human connection. That is trying to simplify what is a complex situation, and failing to focus on the other things that contribute to young adults’ loneliness. Contrary to popular belief that social media ruin the way people form connection­s, some find solace online. And there’s nothing wrong with that. I do believe online relationsh­ips are genuine connection­s and aren’t any less real because of the physical distance. However, I am concerned about how people perceive the lives of their peers that are projected online.

People only post the good parts of their lives online — travels, job promotions, even fancy catching-up dinners with old friends. Although we are aware that what we see on social media is hardly the full truth behind our friends’ lives, it still affects us because we begin comparing. There’s a lot of possible responses to this. Either we try to make quick, temporary changes to our lifestyle to feel better, or we make an effort to appear better on social media to “keep up” with our peers. That’s when loneliness kicks in.

Chasing success

Being overly goal-oriented is yet another reason. It is important to have goals and plans to achieve them, but what most young adults do is treat every stage of their life as a transition period to the next stage. We always chase success, just treating each step as something we must quickly pass so that we can get on with what we want. We keep chasing success when every step is a success in itself.

The lack of achievemen­ts also contribute­s to loneliness. Older people often brag about their accomplish­ments, starting sentences with “When I was your age ...” and ending them with expectatio­ns of the next generation to do the same. If they were able to pay off their college debts and save up for a car and a house while working two jobs, they can’t expect us to do the same. These expectatio­ns make us feel that we’re not doing enough.

How can we tackle loneliness? Any solution would involve changing the mindset of a very large group of people, but we can start with one person. Remember: Don’t measure yourself up with other people’s accomplish­ments. You aren’t alone in what you’re going through, and you will get through eventually. We all do.

■ Carla Delgado is a theatre practition­er and freelance writer from the Philippine­s.

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