Gulf News

Arab land is not America’s to gift

US president cannot hand over sovereign territory to a third entity with complete disregard for the internatio­nal community

- BY LINDA S. HEARD | Special to Gulf News ■ Linda S. Heard is an award-winning British political columnist and guest television commentato­r with a focus on the Middle East.

The idea that one individual can unilateral­ly decide the fate of a population 10,000km away on a whim and, worse, surrender even an inch of a state’s sovereign territory to a third entity is illegal, immoral and downright dangerous.

America’s puppeteer play in Syria has echoes of Sykes and Picot who in 1916 carved-up the Middle East in a back room of Britain’s House of Commons into spheres of British and French interests, mapping new borders that split apart ethnic communitie­s while betraying the Arab armies promised independen­ce in return for driving out the Ottomans.

Bad enough that President Trump has run roughshod over internatio­nal law with his generous donation of Occupied East Jerusalem and the Syrian Golan Heights to the occupying power, he has now awarded Turkey domination over a substantia­l area of northern Syria sending hundreds of thousands fleeing to the safety of Iraq while ordering out his country’s hitherto loyal allies the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF).

The White House has abandoned the Kurds twice in rapid succession, firstly by withdrawin­g American troops which stood as a barrier to President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s long held ambitions and secondly, giving-in to the demands of the Turkish leader hours after threatenin­g to destroy his nation’s economy with crippling sanctions. Confused? So are we all.

Trump agreed a five-day ceasefire with his Turkish counterpar­t to give SDF fighters the opportunit­y to pull out following which Turkey would police an indetermin­ate length of Syrian border territory some 35 kilometres in. Former US military heads have accused him of capitulati­ng to the would-be sultan who is trumpeting victory saying he was given all that he ever wanted.

The US president says SDF leaders are happy about the arrangemen­t which begs belief.

“We will not accept the occupation of northern Syria,” protested Kurdish political leader Saleh Muslim. Syrian President Bashar Al Assad has pledged to repel Turkey’s invasion “using all legitimate means at our disposal”.

President Vladimir Putin has called for all foreign armies to leave Syria in the past but he now finds himself caught between Turkey and Syria, two of his closest allies.

‘It’s not our problem’

Trump said he allowed the two sides to “duke it out” as though they were kids in a playground. He gave no considerat­ion to the fact that hundreds of lives have been lost. “It’s not our problem,” he said while touting his priority of bringing America’s boys home, except they are not going home; they are being relocated to Iraq.

He has refrained from condemning Turkey’s use of “former” Daesh, Nusra and Al Qaida terrorists turned paid mercenarie­s to do its dirty work and made no mention of the Syrian children whose bodies are burnt from chemical weapons, believed to be white phosphorus — an allegation that is currently being investigat­ed by UN chemical weapons inspectors.

To their great credit, members of US Special Forces who view SDF fighters as comrades in arms have expressed their sorrow and a photograph released by the White House showing House Speaker Nancy Pelosi pointing her finger at the president shouting “all roads lead to Putin” also revealed three members of the administra­tion seated next to him with heads seemingly bowed in shame.

The ceasefire is not holding. The SDF blames Turkey. One is left to wonder whether the battlehard­ened extremists that Erdogan has unleashed take their orders from Ankara.

Moreover, no ‘pause’ can be maintained without the agreement of all concerned parties, in this case Kurdish leaders, the Al Assad government and, most crucially, its backer Moscow. The Trump administra­tion forfeited its leverage by pulling out its troops.

Unorthodox letter

Thanks to Trump’s support, the Turkish President is riding a wave of popularity at home just as it was waning and he will have plenty of time to whisper in the US President’s ear during his a planned visit to the White House on November 13. Erdogan is a tough guy and Trump loves tough guys who stand up to him.

As for Trump’s unorthodox letter addressed to his Turkish counterpar­t warning him to stop his offensive or else, that ended up in a garbage can.

The Leader of the Free World evidently believes he has the whole world in his hands. And if the internatio­nal community permits his tweeted foreign policy pronouncem­ents to go unchalleng­ed, any nation’s land, with the exception of nuclear-armed states or Nato member countries, could be up for grabs.

Worrying precedents are being set and Middle East countries in proximity to Israel could be especially vulnerable if and when he unveils his so-called Deal of the Century. Trump maintains he gave Turkey a dose of tough love on Syria. When will the world get together to give him a much needed dose of the same?

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