Gulf News




March 20 April 19

After a tricky week, the tide is turning. While a few details remain to be dealt with, they’re not that complicate­d. Besides, the more swiftly you tackle them, the sooner you’ll be able to focus on new, and tempting ideas or offers. While you couldn’t possibly do everything, for now, explore them all.


April 20 May 20

No Taurus tackles a contentiou­s issue expecting to say you were wrong and others right. Yet by the week’s close, that’s exactly what you’ll be doing. What you learn between now and then will so alter your perspectiv­e that you’ll wonder why you refused to discuss this for such a long time.


May 21 June 20

The Sun’s moving to accent certain dull but crucial practical matters now. These can, perhaps, wait awhile. But with the New Moon, which is always about a fresh perspectiv­e, this weekend, triggering changes, you’ll want to take action. For now, explore your options. After that, you’ll begin making decisions.


June 21 July 21

Just when you thought certain tricky situations on the domestic front were resolved, they’ve surfaced again, but in a different form. This may be annoying but it’s no bad thing. This is actually nothing more than another stage in dealing with, and resolving, matters that aren’t just important, they’re crucial.


July 22 August 22

Certain individual­s have a talent for being irritating enough to get a rise out of you, but not so much you or, indeed, others need to confront them. This provocativ­e behaviour it so deeply ingrained in their character that they’re unaware they’re doing it, so couldn’t stop even if you asked them to.


August 23 September 22

Every once in a while, your instincts say someone hasn’t been entirely truthful. Although having the full facts would be helpful, in one particular situation, you’ve been unwilling to force matters and risk causing upset. While that’s possible, it’s just as likely discussion­s will clear the air, and within only minutes.


September 23 October 22

We all have distinct visions of a ‘dream come true’, its image, who’d be involved and where it would lead. Yet judging by the current planetary setup, that’s exactly what you’re experienci­ng, although probably not the way you’ve anticipate­d. Knowing that, say ‘no’ to nothing and at least explore every idea or offer.


October 23 November 21

While there’s been good reason for sidesteppi­ng discussion of certain complex issues, it’s meant keeping others in the dark. Sudden and, often, unexpected events are about to trigger major shifts in these and other similarly tricky situations. Although, understand­ably, you’ll be hesitant at first, within days you’ll be discussing these frankly.


November 22 December 20

You don’t think of yourself as stubborn. However, there are times when you simply refuse to consider making changes, even those that are minor. This is the case now, and in more than one situation. The real problem is, you’re unaware of this. While usually this doesn’t matter, at the moment, it does.


December 21 January 19

Recent discussion­s regarding tricky arrangemen­ts weren’t exactly easy, but at least you got through them. The trick now is to proceed, but from this point onward, firmly avoiding any exchange of ideas. Now that things are settled, you owe it to yourself to focus on turning those ideas into reality, and soon.


January 20 February 17

Frequently, you look at some element of your life and think about making changes, if not undertakin­g a top to bottom reorganisa­tion. Mostly, however, you then get distracted and forget about it entirely. Now events are cornering you into taking action and, bizarrely, you’re annoyed. It’s understand­able, and won’t last long.


February 18 March 19

Long ago, you realised that when certain individual­s feel discourage­d, they won’t say that. Instead, they’ll complain about the world around them or, as is the case now, you. While this may not bother you, it’s worth pointing out that, instead of getting worked up, they’d be better off tackling the actual problem.

 ??  ?? World-renowned astrologer Shelley von Strunckel writes a daily column exclusivel­y for tabloid!
World-renowned astrologer Shelley von Strunckel writes a daily column exclusivel­y for tabloid!
 ??  ??

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