Gulf News

Approach exams with the right strategies


Exams are a student’s worst nightmare. A time filled with stress, hard work and most importantl­y, studying. Studying this and that, a rush of math equations, a quick recap on all the questions on the revision worksheet and finally, a method which a lot of students opt for — last-minute studying. You will have every single book of every subject lying in front of you on the table, waiting for you to take it and start memorising the notes.

As a student I have tried everything, and I have come up with the following tips, which I now find very useful.

Connecting what you have learnt is key to understand­ing it. If you have connected with a particular topic, you will surely remember it. For history dates, it is easier to associate the number with something from your life. For example, the battle of Panipat took place in the year in 1761, the first part of the number is my sister’s age and the second part of the number is my grandma’s age. Another easy trick to rememberin­g facts is using mind maps.

Learning the key points to the topic and elaboratin­g and understand­ing the points in the paragraph, labelling it in the mind map is a good way to remember.

Practice also makes perfect. Practicing gives you the confidence you need as it is clear that you have sustained the informatio­n. Focus is also key. Do not have any distractio­ns around you, as this can divert your attention and may make you forget what you have learnt.

Lastly, children must not learn without interest. Learning without having the mood will have an adverse effect. If you don’t feel like learning, taking breaks to get back one’s focus is important.

Lastly, have faith in yourself and do not compare your marks to your peers. Everyone has different aptitudes and methods with which they function. You are a unique person and you should be proud of it.

■ The reader is a student based in Dubai.

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