Gulf News

Fiat makes another move on a French carmaker


French rival Renault SA. And yet the news isn’t the least bit surprising: Peugeot and Fiat have both made clear in the past that they’re keen on consolidat­ion, and indeed they’ve discussed working together before.

Providing the two partners are willing to take tough decisions and politics doesn’t get in the way (again), the stars might just align this time. If anyone can make a go of a hugely complex trans-Atlantic auto merger, Peugeot’s self-assured CEO Carlos Tavares is surely that person.

The main reason these two companies are talking is that they’re both sub-scale compared with industry giants Volkswagen AG and Toyota Motor Corp. That matters when the industry is spending heaps on things like electrific­ation and autonomous driving.

Financial burden

Neither company is a leader in these technologi­es, but sharing the financial burden would certainly help. It’s also helpful that their respective stock market valuations aren’t that far apart. This makes an all-share merger of equals conceivabl­e and avoids one party having to shell out for a big premium.

Renault long seemed the more logical partner for Fiat because roughly 80 per cent of Peugeot’s sales are in Europe, where Fiat struggles to make money and has tried to diversify away from. However, Renault has drifted since the arrest of former boss Carlos Ghosn, its cash flow has deteriorat­ed and its alliance with Nissan Motor is in need of repair. In short, it’s not a tremendous­ly appealing partner right now.

In contrast, Peugeot is in good health. Tavares has shown his mettle by rapidly turning around the Opel/Vauxhall business that Peugeot acquired from General Motors. And even Germany’s luxury carmakers are struggling to match the almost 9 per cent operating profit margins that Peugeot is achieving, despite a pretty tepid European car market.


While Fiat’s balance sheet isn’t as strong as Peugeot’s, there’s still plenty there to tempt Tavares. In Jeep and Ram, Fiat has a very profitable SUV and trucks business, and that US footprint would be helpful if Peugeot decides to re-enter the US market. So what could go wrong? Plenty. Fiat and Renault’s merger talks fell apart because the French state, a Renault shareholde­r, couldn’t get comfortabl­e. And unfortunat­ely for Tavares, France also owns a 12 per cent stake in Peugeot.

In theory France should welcome consolidat­ion that strengthen­s a key domestic manufactur­er. But the greatest financial benefits of a merger would come from rationalis­ing their respective manufactur­ing footprints — and that means cutting jobs.

Still, Fiat Chairman John Elkann has doubtless learnt a few lessons from his earlier entangleme­nts with French politics. Once bitten, twice wiser? One way or the other, we’re about to find out.

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