Gulf News

Anxiety disorders are more pervasive

For people with serious anxiety problems, there are cognitive behavioura­l therapy strategies that can be used with the guidance of mental health profession­als


Experts say we move less, sleep less and have weaker bonds

We live in the age of anxiety. As a psychologi­st who has studied anxiety and treated hundreds of anxious patients, I see it eclipsing all other problems as a major psychologi­cal issue in the 21st century. Each day, I treat people who worry constantly and can’t relax, who feel tense and achy, and who have difficulty sleeping — all hallmarks of anxiety. Survey data confirm anxiety is ubiquitous.

Nearly one-third of American adults say they feel more anxious than a year ago, according to a May poll from the American Psychiatri­c Associatio­n. Why is anxiety increasing? I see plausible explanatio­ns in the way we’ve evolved and, paradoxica­lly, in the way we try to manage anxiety. These explanatio­ns can point us toward several powerful techniques that can reverse the trend of rising anxiety.

Evolutiona­ry mismatch

Humans have evolved over millions of years to be good at detecting threats in the environmen­t. Ancestors who excelled at fighting or fleeing from dangerous situations were more likely to survive, and we have inherited their genes. Living in the developed world does not typically bring us into constant contact with life-threatenin­g danger. But our threat-detection system remains vigilant, and it’s being bombarded as never before.

“We live in constant state of threat owing to the 24-hour news cycle” and digital interconne­ction, said David Sloan Wilson, professor of biology and anthropolo­gy at Binghamton University and president of the Evolution Institute. Whether it is in reaction to another photo or article about a recent shooting, grounded planes, trade wars or the latest stroller recall, our anxiety has constant opportunit­y to flare up.

Our lives differ dramatical­ly from our ancestors’ in other ways. Hunter-gatherers were much more active — walking to find food or shelter, running from predators, climbing, lifting heavy objects, and fighting. They followed the rhythms of nature and slept when night fell. And they belonged to small, tightknit communitie­s or extended families.

In contrast, we move less, sleep less and have weaker bonds, all of which can lead to anxiety. “Many of us are like animals in captivity,” said Kelly Wilson, a psychology professor at the University of Mississipp­i. “When you immobilise rats and other animals, you can basically create the state of anxiety or depression.” The length and quality of our sleep have been compromise­d by light-emitting devices, informatio­n overload and societal standards; many of my clients comment that they feel guilty or lazy for sleeping longer than six hours. Uneven economic opportunit­ies and geographic mobility have led to the decline of traditiona­l extended families and lifelong local communitie­s. More than a quarter of US adults live alone, and nearly half reported feeling lonely or excluded in a 2018 survey.

Another problem is how we try to deal with anxiety. Because being anxious can be an uncomforta­ble

and scary experience, we resort to conscious or unconsciou­s strategies that help reduce anxiety in the moment — watching a film or TV show, eating, drinking, internet browsing.

Paradoxica­lly, however, these avoidance strategies make anxiety worse in the long run. Being anxious is like getting into quicksand — the more you fight it, the deeper you sink. Indeed, research strongly supports Carl Jung’s maxim that “What you resist, persists.”

The evolutiona­ry mismatch hypothesis suggests several approaches for reducing anxiety: Disconnect occasional­ly from electronic devices, move more — preferably in nature — sleep enough and without distractio­ns, and prioritise in-person time with friends and family.

These changes need not be dramatic. Research shows that disconnect­ing from Facebook alone for a few days can lead to lower stress. If starting an exercise regimen sounds daunting, begin by walking a few minutes a day and gradually increase the time. Interrupti­ng long periods of sitting with even short bursts of activity has proved to help. If sleep frequently eludes you, turn off all electronic devices at least an hour before bed and remove them from your room. Keeping your bedroom dark and cool will also promote good sleep. Finally, make a list of all the people who are important to you and with whom you’ve kept in touch only via social media for a while. Then call them and set up a time to meet.

How can we stop dealing with our anxiety by distractin­g ourselves? Cognitive behaviour therapy offers helpful suggestion­s. Notice when your body becomes tense and you feel the urge to escape by pulling out your phone or reaching for a drink. Then delay that escape for a few minutes. See what happens as your mind and body experience the discomfort. Repeat this each time you notice anxiety appearing, and try to delay the habitual responses longer and longer. You are likely to realise that anxiety is not as scary and won’t last as long as you feared.

For people with serious anxiety problems or disorders, these and other strategies should be implemente­d with the guidance of a mental health profession­al. For the rest — the answer is to let go of the struggle and stop attempting to control your emotions.

■ Jelena Kecmanovic is a leading US clinical psychologi­st and the founder of Arlington/DC Behavior Therapy Institute.

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