Gulf News


World-renowned astrologer Shelley von Strunckel writes a daily column exclusivel­y for tabloid!



March 20 April 19

Over the past week or so, you’ve been under pressure to get a lot done. While you’ve dealt with everything, it wasn’t easy and, at times, you were short-tempered with others. Although an apology isn’t really necessary, it wouldn’t just be wise, the individual­s in question will show their gratitude in wonderful ways.


April 20 May 20

While every sign is influenced by Mercury’s retrograde cycle, the fact it’s accenting close relationsh­ips indicates you’ll finally deal with persistent issues. Ironically, the confusion typical of this period will spotlight a misunderst­anding that’s core to these problems. Take time to talk these over. Frank, and heartfelt, discussion­s could resolve those problems for good.


May 21 June 20

Somebody seems to think that you’re responsibl­e for their bad judgement. Tempting as it is to explain what happened, point by point, it would only make things worse. Forget about discussing who did what and, instead, help them put things right. That’s the best way to bring this to a universall­y workable conclusion.


June 21 July 21

For ages you’ve known that, sooner or later, you’d have to discuss certain exceedingl­y tricky issues with somebody who’s difficult on the best of days. That time has come. Forget attempts to keep things civilised and, instead, gather your facts, then be blunt. There’s no better strategy, because it shows you mean business.


July 22 August 22

There is no easy way to say something you know one particular individual doesn’t want to hear. While, mostly, you’ve a talent for being forthright, you’re anxious. So much you’ve been avoiding the matter entirely. Actually, destiny is about to do it for you, in the form of events that make discussion unavoidabl­e.


August 23 September 22

If you’re into astrology, you’re probably already aware that your ruling planet, Mercury, is retrograde or in reverse motion. While this period tends to trigger errors, they can be as informativ­e as they are annoying, and even at times, disruptive. Most of all, be aware you’ll profit from pursuing the questions that arise.


September 23 October 22

Once you realise there’s no way around certain tricky issues, you’ll stop playing the role of diplomat and will, instead, begin talking things over frankly. This will make things easier for others, because they, too, are aware problems are brewing, and were wondering how to raise them with you.


October 23 November 21

Tempting as it is to tell a white lie just to get somebody who’s both demanding and persistent off your back, it will only make things worse. Instead, ask the individual in question to state their concerns, but clearly and briefly. They’ll have to think things through, and in the process, deal with it all.


November 22 December 20

Be aware how easy it is to allow your current enthusiast­ic feelings about certain ideas or even the potential of certain individual­s to override what you know is best. For now, focus on reviewing existing arrangemen­ts and deciding what should go. This will clear the way for these as yet unformulat­ed plans.


December 21 January 19

Ordinarily, you’d never argue with somebody who’s either short of facts or tends to be irrational. However, the only way you can clear up already confusing issues is by doing exactly that. Prepare for these lively debates by gathering the necessary informatio­n, and both you and others will learn a lot.


January 20 February 17

One of your greatest allies is your sense of humour. You don’t think of it this way, but when things seem overwhelmi­ng or you’re upset by the manoeuvres of others, you’ll manage to find the funny side of it, and suddenly everything seems lighter. Try it now. You’ll be amazed what happens.


February 18 March 19

Be wary of those who complain nonstop. True, some are facing genuine crises, and would benefit from your support, ideas or assistance. However, others are simply being lazy, and hoping you’ll deal with their problems. Be careful and ask a lot of questions, or they’ll trick you into shoulderin­g their responsibi­lities.

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