Gulf News

The best advice is to concentrat­e


Frank Stewart has written several books and a lot of newspaper columns. One of the former is Keys to Winning Bridge. It is subtitled The Advancing Player’s Handbook for Success. Stewart covers all three sectors of the game, in order: declarerpl­ay, defence and bidding. The book ends with two short chapters on winning attitudes and maintainin­g focus. The prologue states: “The level of instructio­n varies. Some ... is elementary

... some ... more advanced ... Although my aim is to build a sound foundation, I also want to give any reader who can excel the opportunit­y to do so.” This deal is instructiv­e. South was in two no-trump. West led the spade three: two, 10, king. Declarer played a diamond to the ace and returned to a diamond to his jack. West took that with his queen and found the excellent continuati­on of the spade nine. When that held the trick, West led his spade seven to his partner’s queen. Now, though, East shifted to a heart, not to a club, so the contract made instead of going down one. Who was to blame? North had to go via Stayman to invite game because an immediate twono-trump response would have been a transfer to diamonds. At first glance, it seems that East erred, but as Stewart points out (he was East), West was so happy with his spade-nine play that he stopped thinking. At trick five, West should have cashed the club king, king from ace-king after trick one. Then East could not have gone wrong.

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