Gulf News


- World-renowned astrologer Shelley von Strunckel writes a daily column exclusivel­y for tabloid!


March 20 April 19

The New Moon, with its accompanyi­ng fresh perspectiv­e, may have taken place a few days ago, but you’re still juggling several new ideas or offers. With things moving so swiftly, these will vanish within a short time. Consequent­ly, you’re better off either saying a firm ‘no’ or alternativ­ely, giving them a try.


April 20 May 20

For the past month or so, your ruler Venus has been positioned to accent various financial or business matters. While you got a lot done, it’s been dull, if not relentless. Now that Venus is accenting ways you could broaden your horizons, suddenly life itself will be a lot more interestin­g.


May 21 June 20

On occasion, you’re faced with somebody who employs criticism as a way to manipulate others and, equally, do battle over persistent difference­s. This is tricky, because your initial instinct is to try to put things right or make them happy. Hopefully, by now you’re beginning to realise this will never happen. That’s their strategy.


June 21 July 21

Planning ahead may be wise and, equally, takes the pressure off of you to make last minute decisions. However, judging by the amazing yet entirely unexpected ideas or offers coming your way, there may be no choice but to deal with events as they arise. And some could be very sudden indeed.


July 22 August 22

Now that your ruler the Sun has joined Jupiter, planet of growth and opportunit­y, exciting changes are in the air. The problem is, with Jupiter about to move into a new position, you’ll need to explore your options. And you’ll need to move swiftly. Waste no time discussing matters with others. This is about taking action.


August 23 September 22

Facts may be exactly that, facts. But during periods of rapid and often exciting growth, such as this is, even seemingly unchanging elements of life and your world could be transforme­d, and overnight. Since that could be the case now, ensure you keep up with each day’s twists and turns.


September 23 October 22

Now that the Sun is in the restless sign of Sagittariu­s, it would be no surprise if you decided to take a chance on ideas that, only recently, would have seemed unsettling, if not risky. Still, the more you , experiment and explore now, the more you’ll learn. And those insights will prove amazingly helpful.


October 23 November 21

One particular individual seems determined to back you into a corner. In fact, they want to force you to say or do something that will suit them, despite your concerns or reservatio­ns. They’ve already intimidate­d you enough you’re anxious about saying ‘no’. However, that single word is the solution for all your problems. Say it.


November 22 December 20

Your keyword for the moment is ‘inquisitiv­eness’. While you’re far more interested in the world around you than most people, there are certain ideas or pursuits you’ve experience­d in the past, and decided to write them off. However, times have changed and so have you. Explore them. You’ll soon learn why.


December 21 January 19

For weeks you’ve been struggling to find a way to overcome seemingly impossible problems, but got nowhere. Then the events triggered by last Tuesday’s New Moon began to change everything. While the outcome is very different from anything you’d anticipate­d, things have fallen into place, and in ways as exciting as they are magical.


January 20 February 17

Exciting as the idea of plunging into a new activity or pursuit may be, you can’t help but wonder how you’ll juggle your existing interests, alliances and routine. The fact is, certain of these will have to change, if not go. Unthinkabl­e as that is now, once they’ve gone, it will be a huge relief.


February 18 March 19

Yet again, somebody is accusing you of favouring another individual over them. While you’re well aware this is their problem, you still can’t help but want to boost their spirits. Accepting that this simply isn’t possible won’t be easy. Ironically, once you do, you’ll be able to spend time with them, and without the dramas.

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