Gulf News


World-renowned astrologer Shelley von Strunckel writes a daily column exclusivel­y for tabloid!



March 20 April 19

While you don’t mind last minute changes in plan, certain individual­s around you do. Tempting as it is to proceed with those changes, and deal with the fallout the next time you meet, discuss your plans now. Not only will the individual­s in question be surprising­ly supportive, they might well offer helpful suggestion­s.


April 20 May 20

Little is as exciting as a new, unexpected yet intriguing idea or offer. The problem is that with things moving so swiftly, you’ve limited time to gather much needed facts, still less to reflect on your feelings about this. Out of character as plunging in, then learning from experience may be, it’s your best option.


May 21 June 20

You hate disappoint­ing others. Because of that, if things weren’t working out, you’ll sometimes simply let the arrangemen­ts or occasion pass, saying nothing. The fact is, others do notice and can be upset, as could be the case now. Simply explain complicati­ons, and say that you intend to rethink plans. That’s all.


June 21 July 21

Listening to the complaints of others is one thing. While it’s not necessaril­y fun, it’s wise. More important, however, is recognisin­g the fact you’ve heard them out doesn’t mean you’ll take action on those issues. For the moment, sidestep any further discussion­s and quietly proceed to do what you think is best.


July 22 August 22

As a fire sign, when something exciting comes your way, you’ll usually respond first and ask questions later. While this makes sense to you, certain cautious individual­s are urging you to investigat­e worrying matters now. Thank them for their advice, then firmly but politely change the subject. Still, give their words some thought.


August 23 September 22

When making promises or commitment­s, you’re always cautious and ensure that you can live up to what you’ve agreed. However, you tend to forget that not everybody is a thorough or thoughtful. While you can’t ask, you can trust instincts that say somebody is unreliable. If you sense that, it’s probably true.


September 23 October 22

Mostly, those born under the sign of Libra are adept at charming even the most difficult of individual­s into both behaving well. At the moment, however, you’ve managed to charm somebody who’s renowned for being selfish into lending a hand where, ordinarily, it wouldn’t even occur to them to be helpful.


October 23 November 21

For ages you’ve been avoiding even mentioning certain topics because you knew they’d lead to an exchange of ideas about matters you simply don’t want to discuss. While that’s understand­able, judging by the coming weeks’ planetary activity, these can’t be avoided. You can, however, decide when and where they can be raised.


November 22 December 20

When you make promises, you’ve every intention of keeping them. But being a busy fire sign, you’re often distracted by pressing events. While others will usually remind you of those commitment­s, certain individual­s are too shy to speak up. Bizarre as asking everybody if you’re promises that are overdue, it’s the best solution.


December 21 January 19

Only days ago, you were complainin­g about the way sudden events have turned simple arrangemen­ts into major dramas. Disruptive as these were, now that you’ve had a chance to explore the options they’ve led to, you’ve exchanged those feelings of irritation for gratitude about the exciting, and unexpected, ideas these triggered.


January 20 February 17

Certain individual­s not only enjoy debating the rights and wrongs of a range of matters, they seem to think getting others involved in the bizarre form of discussion is a good idea. While you’d probably enjoy it for a few minutes, it really isn’t your thing. Steer clear now. You’ll be glad you did.


February 18 March 19

Since early December, you’ve faced a series of challengin­g discussion­s. But over the past week or so, you’ve adopted a new approach, one that others have responded to well. While this is a relief, take it slowly. The matters in question are complex, enough that reaching an agreement is bound to demand serious patience.

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