Gulf News

Israel plan to build new colonist homes ‘dangerous’

Palestinia­n foreign minister sees threat to two-state solution


Israel’s plan to build new colonist homes in a particular­ly sensitive area of the West Bank would destroy the prospect of a two-state solution, Palestinia­n foreign minister Riyad Al Maliki said yesterday.

The plan to build 3,500 new homes in an area known as E1 “is so dangerous, more dangerous than any other colony plans in the West Bank,” Al Maliki told reporters on the sidelines of the Human Rights Council in Geneva.

Al Maliki said the plan “intends to destroy the two-state solution” and would “kill any possibilit­y” for a peace plan proposed by US President Donald Trump and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu last month.

Netanyahu made the pledge to build new colonist homes on Tuesday in the latest in a string of promises to expand colonies as the right-wing premier faces both a tight general election and a corruption trial.

Repeated warnings

The internatio­nal community has warned repeatedly that constructi­on in the E1 corridor, which passes from occupied Jerusalem to Jericho, would slice the West Bank in two and compromise the contiguity of a future Palestinia­n state.

In 2013, Netanyahu vetoed constructi­on in the E1 corridor in the face of pressure from the UN, the European Union and the US. Israel seized the West Bank and east Jerusalem in the Six-Day War of 1967 in moves never recognised by the internatio­nal community. Colonies in the Palestinia­n territorie­s are considered illegal by the UN and most foreign government­s.

In his comments on Wednesday, Al Maliki also welcomed a database drawn up by the UN of 112 companies with activities in Israeli colonies.

But he said the list was “just the beginning” and Palestinia­n authoritie­s were looking at possible “legal measures” to force the companies to pay compensati­on.

He said they had been “exploiting such resources without the permission of the rightful owners of the land”.

Al Maliki also said the companies would have to leave. “We are ready to receive them if they want to operate legally in the Palestinia­n territory,” he said.

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