Gulf News

A de-stress workout to enhance the quality of your life

There is a risk of workplace pressures getting into you

- BY AAKANKSHA TANGRI Aakanksha Tangri is editorin-chief of Re: Set.

We live in a digitally connected world where each part of our life tends to overlap. When you’re in the office, you’re still getting emails from your child’s school, or your WhatsApp notificati­ons are going off from that parents’ group.

When it’s time to head home, you’ll still be getting emails about work, or you have that one presentati­on that your boss wants you to look at before you head to bed. We’re all guilty of it.

According to the World Health Organisati­on (WHO), workplace burnout has become an “occupation­al phenomenon”. So what can we do?

■ Find a work buddy: Having a trustworth­y colleague who can listen to you and be your sounding board when you’re overwhelme­d can help alleviate some of the stress at work.

Whether you want their input on a project you’re working on, or just want to talk about how you’re feeling, knowing you have someone who understand­s workplace dynamics can help lighten your burden.

■ Take a break: Spare even just five minutes to give yourself a break from staring at the screen. Go for a walk by yourself or with a work friend, grab a quick coffee, and try not to eat lunch in front of your desk.

■ Switch off: This is hard, we know! But if not every day, try at least once or twice a week to begin with. Put your phone and laptop aside when you get home. Carve a slot in your daily routine to give your brain a rest. Play with your puppy, hang out with family or a friend, or even just by yourself to recharge your batteries. You’re going to be an efficient employee if both your mental and physical health are taken care of.

■ Speak to your manager: If you find yourself stressed and overworked, speak with your manager to voice your concerns in a calm and collected manner. Let them know what you enjoy in your role and where you’re facing challenges when it comes to work-life balance.

Brainstorm together on finding solutions whether it’s working from home once a week or ensuring you’re not pulled into work on the weekends. You can also talk about putting your phone on “Do not Disturb” or aeroplane mode once you’re home, so they know you won’t always be available.

■ Take your vacation: You have vacation days for a reason! Take time off. Studies have shown that employees who take time off are happier with lower stress levels and more likely to be given raises and promotions. When you do take time off, ensure you switch off completely to focus on your well-being.

If you can, let your colleagues know you will be unavailabl­e during the duration of your vacation. You’ll find many know what it’s like being inundated with notificati­ons while trying to relax, so they will be respectful enough to give you space.

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