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- World-renowned astrologer Shelley von Strunckel writes a daily column exclusivel­y for tabloid!

Aries March 20 April 18

Every so often you hear others talking about having powerful instincts about certain matters. This makes you wonder about your own feelings of that nature. While they’re strong, because your quick mind moves on swiftly, you don’t always catch them. However, with certain circumstan­ces accenting those feelings, you’ll be unusually conscious of them.

Taurus April 19 May 19

Although you’re probably familiar with Mercury’s retrograde cycle, each of the planets has a period during with it appears to be moving backwards in the heavens, including your ruler Venus. That’s been the case since May 13. By the time it ends, on June 24, you’ll realise how much you’ve learnt from its unexpected insights.

Gemini May 20 June 19

As much as you enjoy dealing with life’s twists and turns (used above), sudden changes in your own way of living, working or loving are another matter. Yet you’ve been aware that here, too, changes aren’t just likely, they’re overdue. Bear this in mind, and when they arise, you’ll embrace them with enthusiasm.

Cancer June 20 July 21

Dishearten­ing as the setbacks you’re facing may be, they’re actually clearing the way for something better. If that doesn’t relieve the anxiety you’re facing, think back to times in the past when you were equally anxious. Something amazing happened then, and it will over the coming days, and in wonderful ways, as well.

Leo July 22 August 21

As much as you enjoy a lively debate from time to time, one particular individual seems to want to go deeper and talk about matters you’d rather not discuss. While that’s understand­able, these won’t vanish. However, what you talk over now could defuse issues and prevent potential dramas in the near future.


August 22 September 21

Appealing as the idea of gathering the facts, then turning what you’ve learnt into a final plan may be, you’d soon regret it. With the actual circumstan­ces moving so swiftly but, also, your understand­ing of the situation changing as well, you’re better off regarding plans as a highly informativ­e experiment.

Libra September 22 October 21

Obviously, the idea of making a single, lasting, plan is appealing. But with Mercury retrograde from the 18th, until mid-July, and triggering the usual surprises, you’re urged to take an easygoing approach to plans of every variety, from those for today or those that involve the weeks to come.

Scorpio October 22 November 20

Obviously, the idea of making a single, lasting, plan is appealing. But with Mercury retrograde from the 18th, until mid-July, and triggering the usual surprises, you’re urged to take an easygoing approach to plans of every variety, from those for today or those that involve the weeks to come.

Sagittariu­s November 21 December 20

The old adage says that progress comes at a cost to the past. Usually, that doesn’t worry you. However, currently you’re feeling unexpected­ly sentimenta­l about certain activities and arrangemen­ts, solo and with others, all of which are undergoing a transforma­tion. While unsettling, there’s no arguing these changes are timely, if not overdue.

Capricorn December 21 January 19

As a Capricorn and an earth sign, you’d never agree to an arrangemen­t without knowing about the people involved and having the necessary facts to hand. Now, however, it’s not so simple. While the individual­s in question come and go, so little is known that you’re being forced to rely on your intuition.

Aquarius January 20 February 18

Don’t be surprised if, even after exhaustive efforts, certain arrangemen­ts are disappoint­ing. The problem isn’t so much how well your organised things but, rather, your own high expectatio­ns of the outcome. It’s more about this cycle than your plans. With so much in flux, the less you expect, the less likely you are to be disappoint­ed.

Pisces February 19 March 19

Sometimes other’s objections are more about a power struggle than any genuine concern. Now, however, the questions being asked are worth reviewing, mostly because with so much in transition, you’ll benefit from every discussion, including those that are challengin­g. In fact, as events unfold, it may be those that prove most worthwhile.

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